Problems Arise

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Barry walks around. His eyes have streaks of lightning running though them. He speeds through the snowy forest and looks at the ground smiling. He's smiling at the dead body of Bruce Wayne at his feet. Clark is down beside him. He is screaming in agony. Barry picks him up. His hand starts to vibrate so fast, he can barely see it anymore. Clark is pleading and screaming, tears in his eyes, but Barry just smiles. He raises his hand.........and stabs it in Clark's chest. Then everything goes white, and Barry wakes up from his dream.

Clark was riding his bike, when the sky went dark. He looked up, and saw lightning. Barry was at his side in a second, wearing a blue shirt and jeans. "Hey Clark, what's up?" He asked. But Clark was still looking at the dark sky. "Are you doing this?" Clark asked. "No, but it is weird. It's never been this dark in Metropolis." Faster than the speed of light, (Or faster than Barry for that matter) a large portal opened and a girl in an America colored suit with long black hair jumped out of it. "Who are you?" She asked. Barry and Clark just exchanged glances. "Uhh, better question. Who the hell are you?!" Barry yelled. "I am Diana. I will not go on from there. Now I asked you a question. Who are you?" Clark spoke up and said, "My name's Clark. This is Barry. Where did you just come from?" Diana sighed. "Humans. I come from a different realm. I'm not even supposed to be in this galaxy right now. I've come in search of you guys. Well, there were more, but you guys will just take me to them," she said. "To who?" Clark asked. Diana rolled her eyes. "The Justice League!" She was getting frustrated. "I'll explain later. We need to go to our headquarters." Clark and Barry looked at the girl like she was crazy, but Clark left his bike there, and he and Barry followed the girl.

Bruce was playing basketball, when Clark, Barry, and a girl he didn't know, walked up to his court. "Batman!" The girl yelled. Bruce looked surprised. "Whos Batman?" He asked. " Bruce, do you know her or something?" Barry asked. Bruce shook his head no. The girl groaned. "My name is Diana! Now if you would just give me a chance to explain......!!!" She yelled. Everybody went silent. "Now, as I was saying..." Diana continued. "I come from a different deminsion. In my deminsion, we all have abilities that the human world doesn't know about. And recently, our receiver got signals of inhumans on Earth. And after we got the signal, a villain named Darkseid invaded my deminsion. That is why we my mother sent me to find the Anyway, my mom had an idea. To make a team,." After Diana said the last few words, Clark and Barry looked at each other. "What kind of team?" Clark said. "The Justice League," Diana said in a rapid sort of way. "We need to find the rest of the members." Cyborg, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Aqualad." Diana started. But as if on cue, Aqualad climbed out of the sewer coughing and gagging. "I had to go through the sewers, the town had gotten too freaked out when I came out of the water. Did you know the sea that I live in is right next to a beach. Everybody was screaming for some reason," Aqualad said smiling. Hfaded is smile faded when he saw Diana. "I didn't know this was a costume party," he said chuckling. Diana glared. "If this was a costume party, your little mermaid suit would take the prize....for ugliest costume in the world." She said. Aqualad glared at her, but didn't say anything. "Anyway..." continued Diana. "If the Justice League isn't formed now, Darkseid will take over all deminsions!" Diana seemed very anxious and worried. Aqualad scooted over to Barry. He whispered in his ear, "I'd call her crazy, but that would be an insult to all the other crazy people in the world." Barry started yo laugh, but Diana gave him a cold glare, and turned back to her story. "You must believe me. How do you think I know your names? I know none of you are human except for Bruce. You guys are not a ream! The Justice League is!" Clark looked at Diana like she just told them they were dead. "Prove it," Barry said. Then, they all heard a loud bang from a nearby building. Diana smiled. "I'll prove it to you right now!"

They got into Diana's invisibile plane, and got to the building in an instant.
Bruce, Clark, and Aqualad gazed and beamed at the airplane, and Barry just mumbled about how he could have gotten there faster. When they got out of the plane, they heard gunshots inside of the building. Thankfully, it wasn't on fire. But the shooter had to be aprehended. Barry raced inside of the building, leaving the others in his dust. When the others got into the building, they saw Barry wide eyed staring without blinking. They followed his gaze and Bruce jumped back, his bat mask almost falling off. A five foot gorilla with a gun in his hand stood in the center of the office room. "Do you think he got out of the zoo?" He asked. "That thing?! It must have eaten all the zookeepers," Clark said. All of a sudden, everything went silent. The gorilla was huffing and puffing. But everything else was silent. "Nobody.....move......a muscle," Barry whispered. Nobody made a sound. The gorilla was just standing there waiting. Then it made its way silently over to them. Diana was about to scream, but Aqualad put his hand over her mouth. The gorilla walked right past them to the vending machine. He punched a hole in it, and grabbed hot fries out of it. He opened them and started eating. "So....what do we do now, do we we just watch him?" Clark whispered. "I'm lost," Barry replied. Barry, quickly, but quietly, raced all of the workers out of the building and came back. The gorilla was on his fifth and last bag of Hot Fries. Aqualad reached for some Cheetos and Barry glared at him as he took it out. "Aqualad! Stop!" He whispered. "Don't worry Barry, I won't make a sound," Aqualad replied in a whisper. But when he opened the bag, it made a loud RIIIIIIP. The gorilla did not move. Aqualad took a chip out a quietly bit into it. But the gorilla went crazy. It jumped up and ran at Aqualad. Aqualad threw his chips to the ground, closed his eyes, and just started shooting water out of his hands at the Gorilla. Suddenly, the entire team got a headach. They started to hear voices inside of their heads. "I am Grood," it said. "What are you?" Bruce asked. The voice chuckled. "I am your worst nightmare." Aqualad looked confused. "So you're a trampling elephant that's killing women in bikinis?" The voice scoffed. "What did you just say?!" Aqualad shrugged and said, "You said my worst nightmare, and that's my worst nightmare." Barry looked down. "Aqualad, please shut up," Barry thought. But then he looked up as he realized that Aqualad was glaring at him. "Aqualad, are you reading my thoughts?" Barry asked. "I think I am." That's when they all went silent. Then, the silence was interrupted when Grood attacked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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