The Super Boys Are Born

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Barry woke up in a hospital. Joe was sitting next to him with a smile on his face. "Hey Barry, how you doing," Joe said. Barry just groaned. "What happened?" he asked. "Well, Iris told me that you ran out of the house. When she tried to find you, she looked in the school because she saw a window open. There she found you sprawled on the ground. She called the police, and, we are," Joe explained. "Iris, where's Iris?" Barry asked. "She's at school, don't worry about her, she's okay," Joe assured. Then the memories started flooding back into Barry's mind. "No! I know what happened. I was at school making a chemical that makes thing go faster, and I was hit by lightning!" Barry yelled. Joe looked surprised and worried. "I gotta show you something Barry." Joe got up and helped Barry out of his bed. He led him to some sort of an exercise room. "Barry get on the treadmill," Joe said. Barry obeyed and climbed onto the treadmill. Joe started it and Barry ran on it for a few minutes. But then Joe started to pump it up. Barry didn't know how high he was going to go. But he did notice he wasn't sweating, which made him suspicious. Then the treadmill went faster than ever. And so did Barry! He was just a blur with sparks of red coming from somewhere. Barry could barely even talk. He wanted to go faster. But he didn't know if he'd reached the speed limit of all time! Joe stopped the treadmill and Barry got of smiling. "Hey look! I'm not even sweating! I'm gonna rock on the track field!" He yelled. But Joe wasn't smiling like he usually did. "Barry, people can't know about you. You're a metahuman now. Those people are banned from using their powers. You can't use your speed outside of the house. You could get killed." Barry understood Joe's words and nodded. "Does Iris know about me?" He asked. Joe shook his head no. "And you can't tell her. I'm serious about that," Joe added. Joe signed the hospital papers, gave Barry some real clothes, and helped him into the car, and started the engine. "So you can't go to school today, what do you want to do?" Joe asked as the car pulled off onto the road. "Well for starters, I'm starving. I could really go for a Big Belly Burger," Barry asked hopefully. "Sure," Joe said.  "When they start to sell breakfast," he added with a smile. "Okay, McDonalds sells breakfast," Barry said. Joe pulled into the McDonalds parking lot and went in to order their meal, leaving Barry alone in the car. Barry looked at his hand. It started to shake and vibrate. Barry looked amused. He opened the car door, and sped off into Central City. He felt alive. He ran through streets, past cars, and through neighborhoods. He ran in the direction of the school where he could see students rushing out. As he got closer, he remembered Joe's words and tried to stop. Instead, he tripped, bounced on the ground, fell over, and bumped right into Iris, causing her to drop her books. "Hey, what's your problem?!" she yelled. She hasn't seen Barry yet, so in a hurry, he ran away, and in two seconds, he was in Joe's car again. At least he had gotten the energy out of him. After about five minutes, Joe got back in with three McDonalds bags. Barry looked inside of his, and frowned. Joe had gotten him two breakfast burritos, but he had hash browns with it. The burritos were his favorite, but he hated the hash browns. "Why are there three bags?" he asked. "Oh yeah, I got Iris the breakfast meal," Joe replied. "We're about to go pick her up." That made Barry nervous. "If she says anything about a mysterious guy bumping into her, and then disappearing, Joe will know it's me," Barry whispered to himself.

As they pulled up to the school driveway, Barry got more and more tense. He didn't want Iris to say anything. Thankfully she didn't on the car ride, but when they got home, she pulled him out of view from Joe as he got ready to go back to work. "Barry, was that you?" she asked. Barry looked confused. "What do you mean?" Iris groaned. "The one that bumped into me today." Barry got nervous. Then he sighed. "Wait till Joe's gone," he said. "Bye kids, see you later!" Joe yelled a second after Barry's words. Then the door slammed. Iris crossed her arms and waited. "Okay, okay. Get on my back," Barry said as he hunched down. Iris looked confused at first, but gave in and got on his back. Barry opened the door, and walked onto the street. "You ready?" He asked. "Yeah, I guess," Iris answered having no idea what she was in for. Barry closed his eyes. And took off. He ran as fast as he could. He couldn't hear Iris screaming over the wind, but was positive she was. Finally he stopped. He saw a fire from a nearby building. He set Iris down, and rushed into the mask store downtown, and came back two seconds later with a red mask with yellow on the side. Then he pulled a camera from his pocket, and handed it to Iris. "I'll be the hero, and you'll be the reporter! Like in the movies," He said. But Iris was still shaken at what she had just experienced. "How are you-? How did you-? Why are you fast Barry!" she yelled. "Well, it's kind of a long story. I got struck by lightning and now I can run at superhuman speed. Which I kinda just showed you," He explained. Iris's frown turned into a smile. She hugged a Barry and said, "I'm just glad you're back. Here, and alive. That's all I've been wanting." Barry smiled through the mask, and sped off towards the building.

Clark was talking to Bruce, who was now his best friend, ever since the night he, Bruce, and Aqualad, who was also Bruce's and Clark's best friend, saved Metropolis. Clark was talking about the new video game his parents got him when Bruce yelled. "Clark! Clark! Turn on the news!" Clark turned on his new television and changed the channel to the news. A burning building was coming down. And a red streak was rescuing people from it. "We should check that out," Clark said. Suddenly, a huge wave from the ocean rose from the water and a figure came flying out of it. "I think Aqualad got the message too," They said in unison and started laughing. Clark ran out of his door and flew into the sky. When he arrived, Bruce and Aqualad were already there. Bruce had on a new mask, in the shape of a bat head. Clark started to make fun of him. But Bruce punched him in the ribs as Clark flew onto the ground. Aqualad looked at the streak and glared. "Is he saving people, or did he start the fire?" Aqualad asked. His question was answered as the streak came in and out and started placing people three by three outside of the building. Clark looked to his right and saw a girl filming the streak. "Guys we gotta help this guy!" said Bruce. "On it," said Aqualad. Bruce started to give instructions. "Clark, use your X-ray vision to see any other people that are trapped in the building. Aqualad, water down the building with your hands." Clark looked at Bruce. "What are you gonna do?" He asked. Bruce put on a gas mask. "I'm gonna try and help the fast dude. Hopefully he'll give me a ride.

Barry ran outside carrying three children and was about to go back in when he noticed three oddly dressed boys standing in front of him. One of them was flying in the air examining the apartment very thoroughly. "The are six people trapped on the third floor!" He yelled. Another one of the boys, who was dressed the weirdest out of all of them said, "Bruce, go in! I'll take care of the fire. Hurry!" Then the boy started shooting water from his hands taking out the fire. Usually,  Barry would have been surprised by all of this, but so many weird things had been happening that day, that Barry kind of expected that to happen. The third boy, one in a bat mask, looked at Barry. "Can I have a lift?" He asked. Barry smiled, and before the boy could smile back, Barry had raced him into the building. The apartment was very hot and musty, and Barry was sweating like crazy, but as long as he was helping, he didn't care if he set on fire, which was highly probable. He set the boy down and they grabbed the six people. Then the boy got on Barry's back again and Barry raced out of the building. The boy jumped off of Barry's back and set three of the six people down gently. Barry did the same with the other three. The boy shooting water out of his hands said, "The fires out!" The flying boy looked at the boy in the bat mask. "There aren't any other people in the building," he said. Barry looked closely at the flying boy. "Wait a minute," Barry started. "Clark Kent!" The boy smiled and nodded. The boy in the bat mask looked at Barry. "Allen? Is that you?" He asked. Barry nodded. "Wait, then who are you? How do you know my name?" Barry asked.  The boy lifted his mask and Barry's eyes went wide. "Bruce Wayne? You're the one who's been jumping around Gotham City?" "Yeah man," Bruce answered. "Then....who is that?" Barry asked pointing at the boy with the water power. "Oh, my names Aqualad. I live in the ocean," the boy said. "Wait Barry, how did you know it was me?" Clark said. "Clark, you know the only difference between your human self and your meta-human self is that you wore glasses in you human form," Barry said. Clark's eyes went wide. "And why didn't anybody tell me this? Bruce, what the heck!" Clark started to yell, but a news truck pulled up and a man and a woman came out. "Well we've all got names and bow we can save the world together, whoopeeeee! But we should get going before they catch us on camera," Aqualad said rapidly. Then the police cars started to pull up and Barry saw Joe get out. "Is she yours?" Bruce asked pointing at Iris who was still filming opened mouth. "Yeah, gotta go bye." And before Joe laid eyes on Barry, he grabbed Iris, who was caught by surprise because of the speed, and sped to the house. In the distance, he saw Clark fly into the air, Bruce leap away, and Aqualad turn into a blast of water and disappear. When Barry got to the house he let Iris sit down on couch. "Barry, what the heck was that!!!!!!????" She yelled. Barry smiled. "I call that.....mission accomplished."

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