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Breakfast went well. Alec got to know most of Ali's siblings. "In order," she had told him when they all sat around the table, "there's Max, Charlie, Rose, then me. We have a half-sister Lara, though. She's older than Charlie but younger than Max." He quickly learned about their personalities--they were all loud and extremely friendly. It was a breath of fresh air compared to the harsh criticism given to you by everyone back in New York.

Max was a little immature for a twenty-six year old. He liked to joke around and laugh. Alec felt that he had been the most rebellious one of the bunch which is probably why Ali favored him.

Charlie was a little quieter, but definitely not shy by all means. He seemed to hold back his thoughts, opting for what would make others laugh and smile. Alec could immediately tell that Charlie was slightly overprotective by the vice-like grip he had around Alec's hand when they shook hands. He was also extremely intelligent; once in a while Charlie would say something so smart it would knock Alec back into his seat.

Rose was the most similar to Ali. She was loud, unforgiving, and sarcastic.  The only difference between them was their approach of handling situations. Rose was passive aggressively shoving bacon plates away from her father, who had high cholesterol issues. She wasn't as smart as Ali or Charlie--that Alec could tell by looking in a person's eyes--but she had an undeniable charm about her.

Randolph--Randy, as he asked Alec to call him--was a burly man with a red beard and a slight potbelly stomach. He reminded Alec of a younger Santa with a shorter beard that was still the same sand yellow color as the hair on his head. He was also very, very nice and exuberant.

A tinge of jealousy picked at Alec's heart. How many times had he wished for a family like this one growing up? A family that sat at a proper dinner table (not the sorry excuse for a kitchen island he had back home) and had meals together? That was everything he wanted. With a father who could only visit a limited number of times and a mother who was so caring yet childish that she could barely care for herself, Alec lived nothing close to a normal life. He grew up quickly which cost him a lot of fun. And changed him, too. If he didn't have to worry about people knowing who he really was all his life, Alec would have been an open and outgoing individual. Or so he convinced himself. It was easier to blame the world for one's issues.

"Well, Alec," Randy said towards the end of dinner. "Do you want me to fetch ya a beer?"

"Um, I'm underage, sir." Alec clenched his fists together strongly in nervousness. He hoped that this was the right answer.

"That didn't stop me or these young'uns!" Ralph bellowed in between hearty laughs. "I'll get you one anyways, son."

Ali nudged Alec in the side as if to say watch this. "What about me, Dad?"

"You're underage, sweetheart," Ralph said without hesitation. "Don't make a fuss about it. Unlike women, men can't seem to contain their urges. That's why it was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, see."

Without another word, Ralph slipped into the kitchen to get them both a beer. Max and Charlie were staring at Alec with sudden intensity that he was taken aback. Was their nice attitude just an act? Or had they noticed that Alec liked their sister? Or, even worse, did they know who he was?

Finally, Max opened his mouth. "Hey, Alec, what is it that ye want to do? Like, career-wise."

"Uh, I want to be a lawyer."

"Damn it," Max hissed, diving a hand deep into his pocket and fishing out a twenty. "Charlie wins again!"

Charlie chuckled and sent a wink in Ali and Alec's direction. Ali leaned over to him and whispered, "I always give Charlie a detail about a new friend coming over so he can scam Max out of his money. We're saving up to buy a jacuzzi."

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