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"My brain feels like it's going to explode," Alec hissed. He slammed his head onto his open textbook and groaned.

Finals week was quickly approaching and Alec was buried deep in work and notes. In order to have enough time for both good grades and sleep, Alec had started studying two weeks early. There was a day left before finals started and it seemed to be that only Alec was stressed out. Brian was eating a plate of cheesy nachos with Perth, who came to visit from Michigan, while discussing who they thought were hot in high school.

"So stop studying and join us." Brian held up their old yearbook. "Vanessa Jones or Cathy Wellington?"

Perth moved the chips towards Alec and called out, "Vanessa."

Brian looked down at the photo. "I don't know, dude, I was leaning more towards Catherine. She has got big--"

The doorbell rang at that moment.

"Ah, pizza's here," Perth said. He slapped his hand down onto his wallet and jogged to get the door, his light blond hair whipping behind him. It grew just long enough to tie up--somewhere around his jaw. He looked like a stoner; like a younger version of Kurt Cobain.

Alec finished up writing some formulas down and shut his textbooks. He was done studying. If he didn't do well, he at least knew he studied to the best of his abilities.

"Okay, okay," Brian said with a mouth full of pizza, "let's see. Chloe Hudson or Adrianna Ramirez."

"Ramirez," Alec and Perth said at the same time. They laughed and high-fived each other before turning to the open pizza pie in front of them.

"You guys have no taste," Brian said as he shook his head. He grabbed a second pizza and looked down. "This is a hard one. Danielle Smith or Leslie Dawson?"

"Danielle Smith," Alec said.

Brian rolled his eyes. "You're just saying that cuz you had a crush on her freshman year."

Perth made a clicking sound at the back of his throat. "I have to agree with Alec, Brian. Leslie was pretty, but Danielle was hot. She was on the cheer team, too. One of the only girls with an ass on it."

About three "beauty battles" (as Brian calls them) later, they ran out of girls to compare. No one else was pretty enough to have someone against--which is why Perth suggested a new game.

"We pick the most disgusting or ugly girls in the yearbook and play a sort of would-you-rather--"

Brian's cellphone rang loudly, interrupting Perth's explanation of the new game and effectively cutting off all talking. Brian gave the guys a sheepish smile before delving into conversation with the other person on the line. He turned away and talked lowly which interested Alec. These phone calls were becoming a frequent part of Brian's day and he couldn't help but want to be in on whatever Brian was doing.

Last time Brian was as secretive with his phone, it was because he listed all his senior year pranks on it and didn't want anyone to steal his ideas. Eventually, towards the end of the year, Brian had shown Alec the list. Alec had even helped Brian plan out the pranks so that he wouldn't get into too much trouble. Alec had faith that Brian would eventually let up and tell him what he was doing.

A few awkward minutes later, Brian hung up and joined the table. He gave the guys a wide smile, stretching his entire features, and said, "I have to go. We'll play this game later."

Without another word, Brian grabbed his car keys and a coat. He saluted the two shocked boys and exited the apartment with a slam behind him. Alec stared at the door in a mix of shock and wonderment. What was Brian doing?

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