Four ~Early Move

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"what do you mean you were promoted?" Mara asked "you started yesterday!"

"I know" I nodded "but I'm his new secretary"

"Didn't you come here to be a publisher?" Cho frowned

"I did but-"

"Where were you yesterday?" I was cut off

Oh shit. Harvey, I completely forgot about the date!

"I waited for you, but you didn't show up" Harvey said hurt

"I'm sorry" I said sincerely "I had to go home, maybe we can do tonight? I'm not busy but if I am I swear this time I'll let you know"

"Yeah, cool"

"When work finishes, I'll meet you on the parking lot" I smiled

Harvey nodded and went back to his desk

"You know, you're a really nice guy" Cho looked over at Harvey "I mean, Harvey approached you yesterday and you looked a little bit scared"

"I was confused" I politely corrected her with a small head shake "but I eventually caught on after he called himself mine and of course I smiled, eager to know what would come next"

"Don't kiss, Harvey" Mara advised me


"If you do, he'll never leave you alone"

"I wasn't planning on kissing him" I confessed "I mean, I'm in love with somebody already"

"Ooh, who?" Cho asked excitedly

"I'm not going to tell you his name" I said "but, he was the boy I turned gay for"

"That's so cute" Mara cooed "what's he like?"

"Well, he's a blonde" I said "and he's got gorgeous blue eyes, he's adorable really and if I had to guess where he worked now by his clothing choice, I'd say he works at a kindergarten, an ice cream store or maybe as a babysitter"

"What does he wear"

"Jean shorts" I answered "I've still got his orange pair"

"He sounds adorable" she grinned "I'm so happy for the both of you"

"I'm not" I sighed

"What?" Mara asked "I thought you were in love with him"

"I smiled but, we broke up" I mumbled "for good and I can't get over him"

"I'm so sorry" she apologised

"When we were still in school, we used to take endless pictures of each other and put them up on Instagram" I gave a sad smile "sometimes, we'd take them together but... It stopped after I moved school"

"Do you still have these pictures?"

"Yeah" I nodded "I'll log into my Instagram"

I typed into search bar

User: ZaynMonkey

Password: Niallxoxo

"Oh my god look how adorable he is!" Mara squealed

Cho quickly got up, cooing at the screen

"He has such a cute butt" Mara mumbled

"He has such nice legs" Cho agreed

"He was depressed"


"Yep, before we dated he was practically obsessed with me" I told them the story "I used to sleep around with girls a lot and it hurt him so he used to cut over that"

It's My Business (sequel to It's A School Thing) - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now