One ~ Six Years Later

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Zayn's POV

"Good luck" my flat mate, Josh smiled, fixing my tie

"Thanks" I murmured "but knowing me... I'll get fired the second I walk through the door"

"Don't put yourself down" Josh lifted my chin "that happened once, it was an accident"

"I split my entire glass of Ribena on my boss' twenty thousand dollar dress" I whispered

"And it was hilarious" Josh chuckled, folding down my shirt collar

"Life hates me"

"Don't, okay?"

"It's just... Niall told me he'd ruin my life" I whispered "and it is ruined"

"No, it's not" Josh disagreed

"I can't keep a job for more than a week, i live with you but I can't even pay for it, I don't have a car, or anything and your girlfriend wants me gone" I listed "and not to mention, I'm-"

"She's just paranoid because of your sexuality" Josh said, cutting me off

"She knows I'm in love with someone" I said

"Yeah well, she still thinks we're too close"

"She'd think it were fucking adorable if it were her and I though, wouldn't she?"

"Probably" Josh nodded, now are you done?


"Alrighty, let's go"

Josh is a professional drummer for a band called Stand By. It's his courier and he's got money, lots of it. He's got a girlfriend with a rack and models for a living. While I'm gay, single and have just gotten my millionth job

I left school two years ago and studied law, English, Journalism, Biology and a million other things. But I've never been able to keep a job.

I don't know why. But that blonde boy that was my first and last boyfriend as well as love never left my mind and I think he was part of the problem. I thought about him so much that it dragged me from the real world.

And I was honestly ready to give in on job hunting and just shoot myself. I don't mean I want to die because my life is shit or anything. I'm just saying that I've gotten to the point where I'm tempted to just give up and become a stripper or something.

But I'd rather shoot myself than get naked... Or be a hobo.

I'll probably end up a stripper or a whore, probably a whore.

"Alright, I'll see you when you call" Josh smiled, stopping the car outside of a large skyscraper with the words NH&CO in large gold letters... It was literally called NH. I don't know what it stands for but according to the website it stands for NH.

I sighed. Getting out the car and walking carefully into the building.

It was still nicely furnished, oak floors, a white front desk and expensive apple computers on every black black desk.

"Hi uhm, I'm Zayn Malik" I said to the secretary "I'm starting today and-"

She raised her hand to tell me to shut up and I stood there awkwardly, waiting for her to finish on the phone I didn't even realize she had in her hand

"Yes, I'll be there" I heard a masculine voice approaching "What? A meeting? Why was I not told earlier?"

The voice got louder, footsteps making my head pound

"What?" The person shouted in a British accent "alright, I'll just grab someone standing around"

I'm standing around. Shit. I need to look busy!

It's My Business (sequel to It's A School Thing) - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now