chapter 1: the alert!

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[Warning, this fanfiction has swearing in it, please read at your discretion!]

"So Keith? What am I!?" Lance yelled pointing to his head.

The tiresome days on the ship were getting to the crew aboard, the first one being Pidge. It only took 4 days of nothing to break Pidge, the only reason she hadn't gone crazy was because of Lance who told her jokes and crazy stories, that were obviously lies. But she didn't mind it, she loved the stories lance told to the shorter teen. They were wild and full of romance and action, Pidge could tell that most of his stories came from the book "The Princess Bride".

The poor second soul to go was Hunk. Even with hunks cooking and his machines, Hunk got bored very quickly. One reason was because Hunk couldn't remember anymore good earth recipes. Lance would help Hunk with his cooking whenever he couldn't figure out what to make. Since lance had a Spanish/Cuban ancestry, he had a lot of good recipes. Lance and Hunk on an occasion would make delicious food with what they had.

The next poor creature to fall down the depths of bored was the princess, Allura.

Allura was always tense and was ready to battle Zarkon at the drop of a pin. But when she tried to loosen up nothing ever helped her, except for Lance.

Shiro was a big help too but it was mostly Lance.

Lance would show her techniques for relaxation such as face moisturizers, oil massages, and pedicures. With Allura's feminine side coming out the two would hold fashion shows and make dramatic plays for the paladins and Coran. The shows were always a big hit with the crew. the lights, the scripts,the clothes and the props were all made by Lance himself. he'd go to the ends of the universe for his fellow paladins.

The sad, miserable and bored Peron next was Shiro. It took Shiro longer then the rest, it would take him a week and a half for him to say,

"screw it, I'm bored"

Whenever Lance hears Shiro say that, Lance is always the first one show up and crack a wise joke at Shiro. The first time Shiro heard the joke, he didn't get it, slowly as Lance said it more, Shiro got the joke. Eventually the two would start making dad jokes at each other. The first one to start this tradition was surprisingly Shiro. As the two would go on, the rest of the crew shook their heads and smiled seeing their space dad/lover smile and laugh.

Of course Lance always had to keep Keith busy, pushing, joking around, and arguing about absolutely nothing with keith. The two could go on for hours and hours on end with non-stop arguing about the smallest thing, from Lances hair not being brushed to Keith not cleaning up his dishes. The two were always going to laugh at the end, there was never any hard feelings after the large verbal battle.

And one thing Lance does to not make himself bored? Play silly earth games with the crew such as the one right now, we're a person had to guess what they were by asking questions to the people who could see what they were.

"So Keith! What am I?" Lance yelled pointing to his head.

"An idiot"

"Keeeith! Take this seriously or else it's not fun" Lance whined to the mullet haired paladin.

"Lance, if I remember this game is supposed to be silly" Pidge said as she readjusted he big, circular glasses.

"Then what am I???" Lance said making a pouty face at Pidge.

"You can only ask questions Lance" Hunk said as he sat at the long table.

"Fine, then am I a sea creature?" Lance asked as he looked around the table. The first person to correctly guess their person/place/thing without cheating got a point and the round would start over.





several answers from around the long table erupted.

"Sweet! Okay Keith your turn!" Shouted Lance as he looked to the raven head to his left.

"Uhh... am I.. furry?" Keith asked out of boredom.





Several approvals went around the table again, telling Keith his guess was right.

Keith sighed,"'kay Pidge, your turn"

"Hmph, I already know what I am!" Pidge said showing a glint in her eye.

Gasps came from everyone around the table.

"Hahaha, it's to easy! I'm obviously a squirrel!" Pidge shouted standing up from her chair.

"Nope" Allura said blatantly.

"DAMMIT!" Pidge yelled as she let her fist fall on the table making a loud bang sound.

"Pidge, language!" Shiro corrected her.

"Sorry.." she said in a deflated tone.

"Its fine just don't do it again"

"Okay, Shiro it's your turn" Allura said touching shiro's shoulder.

"Am I... strong?" Shiro asked.

"I guess"



"I could see it?"

"Urg" Shiro sighed as he let his head hit the table.

"Allura... your turn" Shiro said, his face half smooshed into the alien table.

"Am I pretty?" Allura asked with a smile on her face.

"Yes!" Every one said jumping up from their seats. Allura had went first and this was their 4th time around. Allura was an angel, like the ones people read about in the bible and the ones in heaven.

"Oh?! then am I an angel?" She said.

"FINALLY!" Pidge shouted, holding her head in anger and relief.

"Wait what am I!?" Hunk said worried that he didn't go yet.

"Your a frying pan" Pidge said folding her arms together.


"And lance was a Mermaid,"


"Keith was a cat"


"Shiro was a dad"

"Haha, thought so"

"And I'm a.." Pidge took off her headband that had her noun on it, the words read out in big bold letters.


"God-fucking-dammit Lance!" She shouted as she threw her head band at Lances head.

"Owwie" Lance said as he rubbed his forehead in pain.

"Pidge!, me and Shiro told you not to throw things or swear like that at Lance!" Allura said in a stern tone.

"Mmmm" Pidge simmered in anger as she slid into her chair.

"Well that was a fun roun-" Lance was suddenly disrupted by an urgent message.

"Please come to the deck all paladins and Allura"

"That's Coran! Let's go everyone!" Allura said as she took of her head band and ran to the deck. Everyone followed suit to her and entered the deck.

[This was beta'd by the great RaphaelTiamat, please follow and give them lots of love!]

[Hi... I hope you like this chapter, it just popped into my mind, I don't own the show or anything, and this is a slow build to the main plot, so please hold on! And I might make short story's in between main chapters about Lance helping everyone with boredom, have a peachy day! ·^·]

Our Ball of Sunshine [(Klance), (Crazy!Lance AU) Voltron fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now