Chapter 30

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Two months. Two months since summer ended. One of the best i have had in a while. Not so great any more.

Greg and Denise finally moved but not too far at all. It's late October and their getting married in about a week, i can't wait. Her bump is becoming more noticeable. She said she didn't care about having her wedding with it though. All of the bridesmaids and groomsman are in town, excepted for one.

James moved too. But like Greg and Denise, not far at all. He is in some frat house near the college, some things never change. He still decided to go to the college and play football for the one Greg assistant coaches, even after all our parents nagging to go outside his comfort zone. I personally think he's just afraid to be too far from home. Woos.

Sam is doing good, at least that's what he tells me. He came at the end of the summer once but that's the only time i have seen him since. We text almost everyday though, which is more then i can say about some people.

I have even seen Macy about three times. She always comes to me since she gets sick of her small town. We text a bunch too and we talk on the phone a lot, she is always there for me and nowadays, i feel like she's the only one who cares.

I started school, i'm officially a junior. I kinda just stay out of everything and just do my own thing. It's suppose to be the hardest year. Just add that to the pile of shit that's going on in my life.

I ate quite a bit in the summer. I'm serious, i probably could have passed for a normal teen. No one has noticed since it started recently but lately i haven't been having a big appetite. I have a hunch why.

I have been taking a slight brake from modeling. I just did one for a costume shop but that was my first one in about three months. I didn't do any the rest of the summer because of Niall.


The rest of the summer was great with him, we literally spent everyday together. But he was really only home for little more the two months total and we were only dating for half that time.

He left towards the end of August to go back to work, i haven't seen him since. I know i may sound like the annoying girl but i haven't seen my boyfriend for two months.

I know he's at work and touring but shouldn't he at least try to contact me? I get if he misses a day, that's cool. Two? Fine! But a week? Yeah, i get a response from him once a week, if i'm lucky. It's never a call so i can here his voice though, no he never answers those. Whenever we do text, he always tells me that he's fine and just busy. His confidence and trust reassures me after that and i just sit around, waiting for the next response to one out of hundreds missed calls and texts.

Right now me, James, Greg, and Denise are just hanging out, waiting for dinner to be ready.

"I missed you guys." I say.

They all awww at me.

"It's just boring, being here alone."

It's friday, their getting married exactly a week from tomorrow. Then five days later is Halloween! They are having a small wedding at the local church so they're staying at the house tell then.

I get to take the whole week off of school to help them with it. I'm ahead in most of my classes and all the teachers already gave me the lessons. My dad said i could probably take the short week we haver during halloween off too!

Maura and my mom call us to come eat, the dads coming stomping in from the backyard too and all eight of us gather around the table. It was some chicken stir fry thing, it looks edible so i'm guessing Maura made it.

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