Prologue {When It Begins...}

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When It Begins...

5, April 1954

Dear Bernadette,

I haven't been very truthful with you. Everything isn't as well as I've implied. Sister, Mr. Blackstone didn't offer me my current position. I'm ashamed to say I blackmailed him for it. But what was I to do? You know as well as I that you and I needed the extra funds. My previous job couldn't possibly support both of us. And think of the triumph father would have at seeing me fail!

After I told Mr. Blackstone that he had to give me the job or I would tell the press what I found, he said that I would pay dearly for what I'd done. Bernadette, his eyes were so frighteningly narrow and filled with anger that I knew he wasn't lying. I'm not sure what he'll do, or what he's capable of doing.

Should I stay on for another month? After three months of having his eyes follow my every move I'm not sure there is much time left for me to leave unscathed. I know you may think I'm dramatizing this affair, but sister you haven't heard the rumors of what he does to those who challenge him.

On a lighter note, enclosed in this same envelope is my cheque. Please forgive me sister, I was desperate.



P.S. Please respond as soon as you can.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading.

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