Chapter 2

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"How was the class today?" Tim asked after picking me from my college

"Boring. As usual" I said. "Gosh college does suck without any friends around you... How about you Tim, what was it like to be the big goon in college?"

"Oh sweetheart, I didn't make it to college. I was kicked out of high school in fact."

WHAT? You have got to be kidding me, why were you kicked out anyway?

"Hmmmm lets see...It could be either for selling joints or because I busted the second grade's boy face for not buying my joints. Maybe for both. I was lucky though, I was homeless, penniless, ran away from foster home before your dad found me"

"Well I'm happy you got kicked out, in a good way though, at least I have you to talk about me crappy life."

"I'm glad I was kicked out too, I don't even know how you survived this far. By the way, your dad told me he is going to the yacht today to check on the preparation for the annual party tonight. He asked you to meet him there tonight. "

"Tim I told him I had plans tonight .Why is he still making me go? You know how much I hate these parties with all these people talking business, guns, killing shooting. Man the list goes on!"

Tim chuckled and said "Ermm maybe he knows you are avoiding it ..Ha-ha come on we all know that"

I put my finger in the air as if to make a point, then I realized I have none.

"Okay, maybe it is true but if I am avoiding it the maybe I should be avoided from it"

"My dear Amelia it's to celebrate your fathers business and it's a tradition. Furthermore the other business partner children will be there. You can meet new friends or maybe someone special this time around?"

"No no no know I won't even think of having a relationship with a guy who is in the same field of business as my father. I rather jump into a sea full or great white sharks" Tim laughed.

"Eww are you sure about that. I would pick the first one better. Amelia you should know your father did not do this business on purpose. It was passed down to him and that's the only thing he knows to do and still good at. He is trying all his best to end all of this for you after he made the promise to your mother before she passed. But honey this business come in only one way route there is no turning back..."

I sighed

"I know but I am still not having any sort of relationship with another mafia other than my own I guess I will just drink myself to boredom on the yacht I guess tonight?"

"Aww it's not going to be that bad. It will be short. Just show your face around then we will move away okay?" I promise.

"Owhh fine. But not more than an hour OK?" I said stressing on the ok.

"I promise"

"And if you break your promise then I will personally throw you in the sea full of great white sharks."

"Remember on how I said you and father have the same sense of humor? That was an example to prove my point" Tim chuckled.\

"What can I say? I am his daughter after all"

With that we continued until we arrived at a triple size bungalow building I called home.

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