The Man You Never Saw

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I saw a man on the street yesterday
Hands cradling his head and clearly in pain.
I saw no one by his side. His stay
Was long. Then I looked up at the sky again,
While a hundred more people went by.
Unaware of the beauty in the sky.

I tried to catch the man's sight
To ask if he was okay, give a smile, inspire hope.
But the day ended and came the night
And he was gone, just a mayfly. Alone
Again, I stare again at the road - completely vacant, and
Watch the dust each car shuffles - a tiny storm of sand.

Then, I saw this woman running
Wearing a long silk dress
And sure she was visibly in stress.p
I feebly smiled as her gaze ran, looking
Through me. She did smile back...maybe
At the air, or was that just a making of stupid me?

Again I slept down in the corner on the cold road
Like on any other day, gazing at the majestic stars -
No matter if my life had me captured behind its own bars,
No one takes dreaming away though stars by day, erode .

I saw the sun rise - flame in a long
Cold dark. It broke all my  thoughts
And again turned my dreams into hopes- Strong
And wild it came from the night's slow drowning twists.

I then saw a woman rushing her child
Out of a door. She shouts so loud!
Like she doesn't know the child will grow
And this time will be gone and return as her greatest woe.

Gradually the shouting woman's sound
Was muted as the world became life again-
Never stopping, running away bound
To stop only when time does life retain.

I look around, having nothing more to do-
But blindly though.I watch as people walk and go
Not sparing me even a gaze.
Reminding I have wasted life in a daze.

Each day I glimpse the  lives
I could have lived. It makes me sad.
But I see, and am a part of, these lives
That they never knew they had.

Dreams are just those prickly thorns
I regret every day. I wanted horns
I wanted school, I wanted to be an astronaut,
And a pilot, too. No one ever taught
Or told me that dreams were out of bounds
Misery, here just keeps repeating its rounds.

Yet every day I am made to witness
That wealth is no happiness
That most take life to work, closing their fist
That silently holds all that they truly want:
The air, the trees, the peace in the mist,
Or just to stop and see.

Each day I fall  again
For someone who, a vacant mind spurred.
But I never learn her name.
I see artists, by merely thoughts spurred.
Then, satisfied, in joy they spring
As if Christmas had come early in mid-spring!

Witnessing life live
Makes this life, worthy of living.
I could list the list on any day
Of what we people miss, while on our short stay.

If you deny yourself, your dreams,
What is the point of you living? Smoke and steam
Will go one day, leaving you to face yourself.
You wasted life for work and wealth that alas made you deaf.
Live today for you don't know if there is any tomorrow,
You know, time is the villain of life and gives only pain and sorrow.
Listen as silence speaks a hundred million words for only you
Feel the breeze. That breath, you breathe would only be air without you.

Live your words and your dreams,
Live well. Just live!- A new picture you can always draw.
Oh! And as you do, don't forget there's still more to dream,
And do- While I'll, always remain the man; you never saw.

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