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The towns... Destroyed.
The farms... Destroyed.
The villages... Destroyed.
The kingdom... Destroyed.

All brought down by the forces of a dragon, which nobody had seen for thousands of years. The kingdom was unprepared. No warnings. No signals. Just an attack.

And nobody knew where it came from the first time. Only afterwards when it flew away did they spot it's hiding place.

The walls fell. The creature attacked, spitting its bright blue tinged flames across the land. The warriors attempted to retaliate, but left many fallen without effort.

The kingdom crumbled into ruins, along with the neighbors. Populations plummeted from deaths and flees. 

Months passed. No progress. But there was one who could defeat the dragon. A knight of black and gold; the king's best. He set out on a journey to the dragon's home with hopes to finally bring it down to its knees and free the kingdom from its reverence.


More days. One week. Two weeks. A month. The dragon did not return.

But the knight did not either.

The bloodshed had finally ceased that day, but the knight still did not come home, leaving the kingdom to assume the worst. They held ceremonies in remembrance of the brave knight, their loss painting them greatly.

But, the celebrations and mourning did not last long. With their defenses lost, more threats were growing. It was time to rebuild before they were wiped out for good.

A new dawn. A new day. A new beginning.


Time passed. Some kingdoms did not recover from the attack and stayed in a heap of rubble and ash. Others went back to their original state, continuing their endeavors. But one had taken the loss as a new way to flourish, rebuilding their lands to new limits and heights. Their economy became beyond compare. The roads were made of smooth cobble. The shrubs became beautiful rosebushes. Not only had the population returned at that; it skyrocketed.

Everything looked up from there. The king sat upon his golden throne, stroking the fur of his pet feline, smiling down at the progress of his kingdom.

He gazed down to his feet and pursed his lips in thought. A new kingdom. Now how about a new name to go along with it?

He looked towards the black cat next to him, it's collar reading Wrex. He shifted, sitting up as a word popped into his head.

Zir... Zy... Zyrille. Zyrille... It stuck to his head as if it were stapled down. He hummed to himself happily at the word's strange charm.

This was his new kingdom to rule over. Zyrille. The elegant, the brave, and the ever vigilant.

Nothing could end this glorious era, he thought, easing out of his seat to oversee the people, grinning wide as his crown was adjusted.

But nothing was always an understatement.

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