For Love_Fighter

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It was your birthday and Niall was not in the bed next to you. So you get up and go to the kitchen and see a not that says 'Sonal I have a surprise for you at the studio so meet me there a 9:45.'

-love you princess.

You run upstairs and put on a pair of jeans and your favorite shirt. You run to get your keys but on the way out you grab a piece of apple cake that Niall make. You jump into your car and on the way you stop at yours and Niall's favorite coffee shop. And get a coffee for him and your self. You get to the studio and walk and you see Niall looking at the clock and you walk in. "Sonal baby I've miss you so much happy birthday!" he give you a kiss and sits you down on one of the chairs. "Sonal I wrote this song just for you to tell you how much I love you and your my one and only princess." When the song was over you where crying tears of joy Niall looks at you and says "baby why are you crying its suppose to be a happy song." You laugh and kiss Niall right on the lip just as you two start to make out the other boys walk in. "Hey, Sonal happy birthday." You start to blush and the boys take you out for lunch.

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