20. Prom, Part One

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A/N: Summer update trailer above! The featured image is Quinn's prom dress.


Prom, Part One

A little over half an hour later, I found myself staring at a warped version of myself in the mirror. Vanessa and Julia had coated me with so much makeup that I felt like I was staring into an alternate universe in which I was a heavily photoshopped movie star heading to a photoshoot before the Golden Globes.

"I'm not really feeling this look," I said, blinking a few times and trying to ignore the itch from my false eyelashes.

Vanessa came up behind me, setting her hands on my shoulders. "It just takes some getting used to," she said. "You look gorgeous. Andrew's going to be wowed."

I ignored the tiny, sarcastic voice in my head that suggested I didn't want Andrew to be wowed. Instead, I let Julia usher me into my closet and shove my dress at me. "Go on and change," she said. "He'll be here soon."

Yippee. There was that voice again, and it made me want to crawl back in bed and pull the covers all the way up to my neck. I didn't feel at all like going out, and the mood was hitting me at the completely wrong time.

Still, I shimmied into my prom dress and let Julia and Vanessa spritz on hairspray and perfume. Then they finger-combed my curls, which trailed down my back, and pinned back a few pieces before stepping back.

"All done," said Vanessa, with the air of someone surveying their protégé. "Your shoes are waiting by the door. And don't forget your purse!"

I did as she commanded, running my hands through my hair as if Vanessa and Julia had neglected some tangles. It felt silky-smooth, and the curls hung looser than my natural hair. Once I was standing in front of them with dress, makeup, shoes, and purse completed, they both broke out into wide grins.

"Impeccable timing," said Julia, checking the clock on her phone. "Andrew should be here in less than five minutes."

I followed them downstairs, walking extra carefully in my unmanageable heels. My dress swooshed with every step I took, trailing just slightly on the hardwood floors. Even though I wasn't exactly looking forward to my prom date, I couldn't help but feel a tiny twitch of excitement at the possibilities of the night ahead. Providence Prep proms were glamorous, with limos and fancy dresses and punch poured in champagne glasses. I was lucky that I got to go to one before the move.

True to Julia's word, Andrew arrived in four minutes. As I swung open the door, I couldn't help but smile at him at the sight of his black tux, perfectly straightened blue bow tie, and overwhelming grin.

"Wow, Quinn," he said, stepping inside. "You look great."

His dress shoe squeaked on the floor. I shifted from foot to foot, my ankles wobbling a little in my heels. "Thanks," I finally managed.

Vanessa and Julia stood behind me like proud parents as my mom scurried up behind us, her phone in hand. "Pictures!" she exclaimed. "Why don't we go into the front yard for some photos? Quinn, do you have the boutonniere?"

"Boutonniere. Right." I turned a slow circle, searching the vicinity for the tiny box I had just seen. Vanessa went into the kitchen and returned with it a few seconds later, taking the boutonniere out of its box to hand to me.

"Relax," she muttered as I took it. "You're way too tense. Just enjoy yourself and stop stressing."

I nodded distractedly, already following Andrew out the door. It was burning hot outside, and after just a few seconds under the sun I could already feel my dress plastering to my skin. Halfheartedly, I approached him and let him curl a heavy arm around my waist.

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