14. This Feels Like Déja-Vu

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A/N: I'm so sorry for the delay update!  I should be back to my normal schedule now.


This Feels Like Déja-Vu

Despite how many times I told myself I would remain calm the next day at school, I did just the opposite of that and strode right up to Cody before first period. Every pep talk about keeping my cool flew out the double doors of Providence Prep and disappeared the second I saw him standing with Sam, adjusting his baseball cap as they carried on an evidently important conversation.

"We need to talk," I said, striding up to them.

Cody gave me a languid once-over, his dark eyes scanning me. Then he turned to Sam and nodded, apparently dismissing him. Once we were alone, we both stood facing each other in awkward silence—now that I had his full attention, I didn't exactly know what to say. Did I go crazy on him and rant about his flirtations with Maybelline? Or did I play it cool?

"I just wanted to tell you congrats on your new girlfriend," I said finally, which was probably the worst combination of "go crazy" and "keep cool." "You seemed to move on pretty fast."

"I'm not going to even pretend to understand what you're talking about."

I opened my mouth but shut it abruptly to let a few juniors amble past. Then I turned back towards him and hissed, "You and Maybelline. You and Maybelline. For real, Cody?"

"You're not really one to question my taste," he says, his lips quirking upwards in some strange half-smile. I ignored the dig at Andrew and settled for glaring at him until he raised his hands in surrender. "I have no clue what you're talking about. Maybelline and I aren't dating."

"Aren't dating yet," I clarified.

"Well, French is the language of romance."

"Will you shut up?" I demanded, throwing my hands in the air. "I know you're just doing this to rub it in my face. I know you don't really like her."

He leaned back against the wall, arms crossed. "Do you? I could say the same of you and Andrew, but you'll notice I'm not being delusional and am just accepting things. Maybe you should try that."

"I'm not rubbing anything in your face! Andrew and I aren't going out. For your information, after my sweet sixteen we decided we wouldn't interact with each other anymore. Of course, now that you've moved on I don't see why I shouldn't."

Clearly this was new information for Cody, who let it sink in for all of two seconds before snapping, "Well if you hadn't been so close with Andrew in the first place, I never would have broken up with you. So I think you're the one who caused this."

"Last time I checked, you're the one who dumped me. So it's your fault."

I was so angry. So, so angry. I was so angry that as I stared at Cody all I could see were his livid dark eyes, which were boring into my own furious eyes, and suddenly I realized in that exact moment that what I really wanted to do was kiss him.

Judging by his set jaw, Cody did not share this feeling, but at least he didn't bother replying to my comment. Instead he whipped his baseball cap off his head and passed it between his hands. "I'm not going to fight with you," he said.

"Why not?" I wanted him to fight with me. I wanted to scream myself hoarse at him because at least that was something, something other than this silent treatment.

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