Ginger Cracked

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Ginger's Pov

I'm so nervous. What's Sally going to say? I'm so scared. On top of that in 4 days it's her birthday. What is she going to do to me? There was a knock at the door. I guess their here.

I opened up the door, nope not them. I look down and there's a note. It says "I thought I trusted you, but know you're gonna pay." As I was about to walk inside police pulled in my drive way.

"I've heard you got information about Sally."

We'll ya. I just got a knock on the door and no one was there. I looked down and there was this note. Me and Sally used to be friends but then today we made up and we went to the park together. My mom came over and Sally left. She always told me not to tell, and when my mom came over she wrote in the dirt telling me she knows what I was going to do. I told my mom and now your here.

"I'm going to take that note and can we stop at the park?"

Ya I guess. We stopped at the park and showed them the spot and it wasn't there.

"It's not here put there are little finger prints."

I fell asleep that night, we'll at least I tried to. Any way I can't sleep I don't know what she's going to do. This isn't like her. I decided it won't be to bad and fell asleep. I woke up and one my perfectly white bed spread was bloody hand prints. On my snow colored wall was a message. It said "I'm not done just yet." I felt a chill go down my back, I turned around and saw all my picture frames shattered, all the pictures of my were teared out, and my stuffed animals all of them. Not just 1 or 2, all of them, stuffed less. I screamed and my mom came up. She was about to say what's wrong and she saw.

"We're going to Sally's grandma's today. Get dressed and let's go.

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