Chapter 2

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Dick awoke to the familiar cry of his alarm clock. He let it ring for a few more seconds, silently hoping it was just his imagination, but finally sighed and brought out his arm from his bed sheets.
His room was relatively warm, but the sudden rush of air on his arm still gave him goosebumps. He slammed his hand down onto the small machine, and groaned when he looked at the time. It was five thirty in the morning. But no one could really tell, as the sun had not even begun to rise yet.
Even though he had been conditioned enough to get used to waking up this early, it doesn't mean Dick enjoyed it.
Groaning, he threw the covers off of him and they slid to the floor. Dick sat up in his bed hastily, and ignoring the massive headrush he attempted to rub the drowsiness from his eyes.
When it finally felt as though he was awake enough, Dick flung his legs over the side of his bed and touched his feet to the floor. Luckily, it was carpet, so his feet didn't freeze on any wooden floor.
Still tired, he managed to stand up and attempt to stretch all of the stiff muscles in his body. He twisted his body in ways only an acrobat or gymnast could, then made his way to the bathroom to wake up more. He silently cursed his massive room for making him walk the distance to the small room.
He took a shower and did his buisness, then got dressed in his Gotham Academy uniform. It consisted of tan dress pants, expensive shoes, and a suit-like shirt with a blue tie to finish the look. To be perfectly honest, Dick absolutely hated the way it looked on him, and was way to formal for his liking.
But he toughed it out and attempted to make the tie straight, groaning when it didn't follow his commands.
Finally, after minutes of struggling with the infernal blue cloth, Dick got it in the perfect position. Grinning to himself, he walked out of the bathroom silently and looked at the clock once again. It was now six fourth five, and he sighed at how long it took him to get ready.
Dick knew in the back of his mind that he took just as long as a girl to get ready, and mentally slapped and facepalmed himself at the same time.
He walked over to his bedroom door and opened it. It made a slight creak, but it was barely noticeable. The sweet aroma of Alfred's breakfast wafted through the air from the kitchen, and Dick grinned from ear to ear.
Alfred's breakfast was the one thing he always looked forward to in the mornings. It was always warm and just how Dick liked it.
The meal was still second to the food at the circus, but there was a very slim line between them.
He made his way down the hall silently, even though he knew all of the occupants of the house were already awake. It was just a force of habit to be silent.
Finally he made his way to the long staircase that led down to the main floor, and hopped onto the railing, just as he did everytime. Smiling even wider, he pushed off and slid down the stairs with ease.
Nearing the bottom, he slowed his descent. But only enough for more control, and he quickly jumped off at the last moment. He slid across the expensive tile floor with a small, barely audible laugh, and started walking towards the dining room.
He opened the massive doors, and was greeted by the sight he saw almost everyday.
Bruce was sitting at his regular spot at the top of the table, a plate of Alfreds homemade Frittata in front of him, and this week's paper in his hand. He ate his meal while simultaneously reading the paper in his hand intently, not tearing his gaze from it.
Yep, just the usual in the lovely Wayne Manor.
Dick made his way over to where his plate was and eagerly dug into his meal. The Frittata seemed almost heavenly, and Dick reminded himself to try to pry the recipe out of Alfred later.
The old man was always secretive over his cooking after all.
"You know, we have stairs for a reason." Bruce said without making eye contact with his ward sitting next to him.
Dick merely smiled as he finished his bite.
"Yeah, but where's the fun in actually using them."
Bruce rolled his eyes, a playful smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
That was when Dick finally took a good look at his face. And it was not pretty. Dark bags hung low under his eyes, and he noticed a slight bruise forming on Bruce's forehead. But what really caught his attention was the way his eyes seemed almost unfocused, and his eyelids looked about an heavy as barbells.
"You were drugged last night when you fought Joker, weren't you?" Dick blurted out, not even thinking before he said it.
Bruce sighed.
"Yes, and he managed to get away." suddenly the playboy looked to the watch on his wrist, and his eyes widened. Bruce placed the paper on the table and got up from his seat, leaving the half eaten meal on the table. He started towards the door, grabbing his jacket on the way.
"Late for something?" Dick asked innocently, but his voice had a playful tone.
"Buisness meeting. Got to go. Be ready for a team mission when I get back." Bruce replied, showing no emotion in his voice.
A frown formed on Dicks face, and before he could say anything more Bruce was out of the room, with the sound of a door opening and closing seconds later.
"See you later too." Dick grumbled, and went back to eating his Frittata.
He knew that Bruce was really busy, but it still hurt a little that he couldn't even stay for breakfast. It was the only time they could be together as civilians without the beady eyes of the public staring at them.
But Dick brushed it off, and finished his meal in silence. When finished he went out of the dining room, through the twisting hallways and to the entryway. Hastily he put on his coat and grabbed his backpack from the floor, where Alfred had yelled at him and told him to pick it up, but still didn't.
Dick opened the door and was met with a cold gust of cool Gotham air, sending chills throughout his body. He started to walk across the expansive yard of the manor, knowing exactly where Alfred always picked him up. Spotting the black limo, he hurriedly opened one of the doors and hurtled himself in to escape the merciless cold.
"Are you ready, Master Dick?" Alfred asked from the front, and Dick replied with a simple 'yeah'.
Alfred nodded and headed out of the manor doors and towards the city in front of him, which held one of the best schools in America; Gotham Academy.
And soon Dick would arrive there, and so would begin another week of the worst kind of torture there is; School.

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