"You'll learn to fall in love all over again..."

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Hazelwood Gazette 

Horrifying Accident Rocks Hazelwood --Accident harms six, kills one 

Last Friday, the lives of six teens were rattled by local drunk Thomas Hayes. Reports say the teens, who just happen to be: Mara Lange, Beau, Jackson, and Spenser Cristoffe, Cahlan Asher, and Wyatt Prince, were on their way back to the Cristoffe household for the routine Cristoffe Dock Party, whenever they came upon Arlington Lane. As we already know, the road is lined on either side by thick Evergreens, and very deep ditches. 

Only two miles from their destination, the large SUV came upon Hayes, who was in an even larger truck. His lights blinded Spenser Cristoffe, who had been driving, causing him to try and come to a stop. But before the Cristoffe's SUV came to a halt, Hayes tried slamming on the brakes and hit the gas pedal instead, sending him flying towards the teens. 

Although the teens' SUV was large enough to seat six with seatbelts, Cahlan Asher was sitting up front and center without one. Reports say Asher was the only victim not wearing a seatbelt. 

Hayes flew into the toehr lane, causing S. Cristoffe to swerve as he tried to avoid a collision. Unfortunately at the last second, Hayes hit the passenger side of the car, where Prince had been sitting. Spinning, the vehicle urched forward, in sync with Mr. Hayes' automobile, and the Cristoffe's SUV slammed into a tree. The teens' vehicle was pinned between a tree and Hayes' truck. 

While the SUV was getting shoved into the tree, Asher had been bouncing around the front interior, and as soon as their was impact with the tree, Asher flew through the windshield and skid thirty feet down the paved road.  

Meanwhile, Prince's whole right side of his body was pinned by Hayes' SUV. "The metal was practically molded over his legs and right arm," A source says. Prince died upon impact with Hayes' vehicle. 

Lange, who was seated in the backseat, called 911 after the two vehicles had settled. Police and ambulance came in minutes, only to find that Asher was split open in many places and needed emergency surgery immediately. She's expected to recover ina few months and will have permanent scarring. 

The Cristoffes all walked away with a few scratches and bruises and are said to be alright. The same goes for Lange. Hayes is due in court any day now and is being held in a local jail until so. Reports say he will be charged with DUI, six counts of Wanted Endangerment, and either manslaughter or murder. 

Wyatt James Prince was the only one unable to survive this horrific incident. He was buried Monday and can be found in the Hazelwood-James Memorial Cemetery next to his father. 

The townspeople of Hazelwood are determined to make sure things like this don't happen again. As Spenser Cristoffe has said, "Justice will soon be served." 

--Ann Masterson

Leaning my head against the passenger seat window, a chill washed over me as I shoved the old newspaper article into my messenger bag. Taking a deep breath, I resisted from shooting a glance at my mother, Julie Conrad, and peered out the window instead. Grey clouds blocked my view, the thick fog obscuring everything. I couldn't help but feel a wave of emotion, a sense of loss and burden washing through me. It's been nearly one year since The Accident. One long, painful year. I'm sure there were many other newspaper articles out there, constantly following up on my recovery and seeking answers.  

I could have left the Rehabilitation Center, also known as Reeves, months ago. I didn't have to live there for as long as I did. When my doctors asked if I was ready to return home, there wasn't an ounce of reluctance running through my mind when I told them no. I didn't want to go back, not at all. I was in the mindset to where all I wanted to do was hide, escape what happened to me. No matter how bad I feel some days, how much I desire to forget what happened, I can't. "You're lucky to be alive," My stepsister Tess told me a few days ago. I couldn't have agreed with her anymore than I already had. I should have died that night, but I didn't. God heard our community's prayers, He pulled me through. 

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't escape any of it. After waking up in the hospital, the first thought I had was to run, run far far away from Hazelwood. I didn't want my friends to see me like that, all broken and bruised in a hospital bed. I wanted them to remember me by who I was: the carefree swimmer who loved to have fun, not the half-dead sixteen-year-old waiting to die. But I didn't die. After recovering from my coma, my body started recooperating almost immediately. Things only went up from there, thankfully. 

When the doctors at Reeves said I could leave, I couldn't have been any more angry. I didn't want to return to Hazelwood, I wanted to stay gone. What's the use in going back to your hometown, only to spend your time reflecing solemn looks? I'd been the talk of the town for far too long, what's the use in stirring all the whispers back up again? There is no point, I kept telling myself. I just needed to stay gone.  

Despite my requests, my mother didn't listen. The doctors agreed with her when she mentioned taking me home. "I think it's what's best, Cahlan. You can't stay here forever honey," Dr. Angela Pearson, my doctor for the last eight months, smiled at me sadly. "I hate to see you go, but it's time that you did. We aren't meant to live in one place forever, Cahl. We've got to continuously move forward." 

"I don't want to go back," I'd told them, tears filling my eyes. I ran a hand through my dark hair, a nervous habit I'd picked up, and smiled weakly. "Why can't I stay at Reeves? I'm still in pain, still hurting. Isn't that enough reason for me to stay?" 

"No, honey." My mom cooed, stroking my hair. "You can't stay here, hundreds of miles away. You're coming home, to Hazelwood. You'll learn to fall in love with it all over again." 

You'll learn to fall in love with it all over again. Little did I know at the time, her words would come to ring true. I would fall in love with it all over again, it would just take some time.

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