Chapter 22: Lessons

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Julie showed up for her lesson with Luke the next day. Ike was there with him again. She took a deep breath and sat calmly in one of the chairs. She didn't want either of these boys, and it was time she stopped hiding from them. She looked at a spot beyond his shoulders, not able to meet his blue eyes.

"Why are you doing this?"

Luke frowned. "I'm not trying to force anything on you. I'm the only one who can help you with your abilities. There is no one else. I promise I won't try anything in here."

She looked at Ike, who nodded. "I'm here to help that."

"So that's all."

Luke shrugged. "I'll take what I can get."

"Fine. Then teach me something." She crossed her arms and glared at him.

"Okay, promise me that you won't run out again like that if I upset you. Stay here with Ike, and I'll leave." He ran a hand through his hair. "Someone here wants to harm you, and I don't want to give them another chance."

"What do you mean?"

"It's kind of obvious. The beach, the coffeehouse, the pipes bursting—even your abduction." Worry etched across his face. "I should listen to my grandfather and uncle and get you out of here."

Julie stood up. If he did something like that, it might cause a war. She started toward the door.

"No, wait. I'm not going to do that. I swear. Unless you ask me to help you leave."

He sounded like he was telling her the truth, but he had already tried to protect her before, and it had ended up badly. She sighed. "Fine. I'll stay, but no more talking about anything but lesson stuff." She sat back down.

Luke looked at Ike. "Okay, well...let's get started. Show me what you know."

Ike sat to the side as Luke went through everything with her. He stayed across the classroom. Julie glanced out the window as they worked. A boy sat outside, gazing in every now and then. Did she know him? Hadn't she seen him with Rory before? She gritted her teeth. Rory probably had him sitting there to watch her.

"Okay, that's enough," Luke said after forty minutes of going through what she could and couldn't do. "I think we're both tired."

She jumped when the bell rang and grabbed her bag, practically running out of the room. She heard Ike laughing behind her. This was going to drive her crazy.

The next days of school went by quickly. She soon lost the interest of most of the kids and even Melissande only glared at her.

Her lessons with Luke got more intense. He showed her how to do the things she needed to do, but she could barely concentrate. At times she wondered if he was doing it on purpose. He never touched her, only hinted at it, making her skin prickly with yearning, imagining him taking her hand or shivering when he came by and spoke softly to her. But it wasn't like she could get mad at him and demand he hold her hand.

Rory made little excuses to talk to her, but Jamie stuck right by her, making him leave anytime he came around. Instead of Luke's way, he would try to grab her hand or arm, knowing that the small touch made her dizzy. She was so confused some days she thought her head might explode.

Every school day went by in a fog, only clearing as she met Kara for coffee to study in the afternoons. Then they would head to dance practice with Muriel, and she would feel sane again as she exhausted herself with dancing every night.

"What's wrong?" Jamie asked for the tenth time while they studied in the library.

Julie's gaze travelled to where Rory sat across the room. A book was open on the desk, but he stared at her.

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