Chapter 16: Old Friends

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"Julie!" Mandy screamed then pulled Julie up in a spin. Her tall, blond friend didn't stop smiling as she put her down.

Julie had forgotten how much her friend looked like a pop princess. It had been so long since she'd seen her in person.

"We've missed you so much." Darcy smiled and gave her a tight squeeze. She was always the quiet thoughtful one, with her dark brown eyes and long, shiny, black hair.

Her friends brought back so many good memories from a time when everything was so good and not all screwed up. Julie blinked back tears.

Both girls looked at Kara standing by the front door. Julie kept her smile in place. Lir had temporarily made Kara believe that this was their house, and when they got back he would make her remember this as a vacation. For the thousandth time Julie wondered how Kara's parents were okay with all this. She guessed they didn't have a choice.

"That has to be Kara." Mandy's smile slipped. She whispered, "You weren't kidding—she is gorge. How am I going to stand out next to her?"

"Oh, stop. Yes, this is Kara. Her parents went out of town, and she's staying with us. It will be fun. I know you guys will love her too." Julie raised an eyebrow.

Mandy smirked. "We had a nice thing going. One blond, one brunette, and one redhead. Why mess with that? Now they won't know which blond to talk too." She sighed dramatically. "This ruins all my plans. I was going to have a wild end–of–summer fling before school."

"You should be happy you can relax. Girl stuff only." Julie swatted her friend on the arm. "I have missed you guys too much. I don't want to share you with some strange guy."

"Oh, all right. When you say it that way." Mandy rolled her eyes but grinned.

Darcy looked sideways at them and then went over to Kara to say hi. After a second, Mandy went too. Julie started over, looking around, smiling. She was off the island and with her friends. She hadn't felt this free in forever.

She froze as she felt a prickling like she was being watched. She looked around, but there was no black SUV. She searched the houses. To her left down the street she saw a group of people on the porch all looking her way.

Rory was there. He waved.

Julie pursed her lips. Couldn't he leave her alone? As if he could read her thoughts, he pointed behind her. She turned around.

To the right, across the street Luke stood leaning against a porch post. He waved. She frowned.

Awesome. Both idiots were here. So much for girl stuff only.

She sighed. If she agreed to start seeing them a bit, they would leave. She turned to the group of girls feeling weird now.

No, they wouldn't win this way.

Julie would ask Lir about it, but he probably already knew about them being here. She hated talking to him. This wasn't worth another awkward conversation where she wanted to yell at him half the time and hit him the other half.

She ignored the part of her that unwound, glad for the added protection that they brought. Nothing would happen with Rory and Luke watching her. There was no need to spoil anything.

"So...beach?" Mandy asked, clapping her hands. "Where is it?"

"Come on, let's get changed and go." Julie's gaze went to the house down the street and across the street. Everyone went inside.

"We should say hi to Jamie first." Darcy looked inside the front door, peering around.

Mandy's smile dropped, and her voice became a whisper. "Oh yeah, sorry, Julie."

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