Chapter 27 - What am I doing?

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What the hell was I thinking? Thinking he could actually care or she was my friend! Stupid! I run back up to our room and slam the door before running to my room and locking myself in. This stupid dress! I rip the dress to pieces and quickly put the jeans and shirt back on. What was I thinking. A knock came on the door. Too strong to be Hopes knocks. "Kitten" Neros familiar voice calls and I growl. "Go away Nero!" I yell back and I hear the door unlock. I turn to see Nero walking in. "Out Nero" I growl but he keeps stepping closer. "NERO" I stepped back and my back hit the wall. Nero closed the gap and put his hands next to my head, his mouth only inchs away from mine. "Why do you run from me?" He says and before I could answer he kisses me. I refused to let myself kiss him back like my body wanted my too but my mond knew what was going on. I push him back and trips and falls on his ass. I grab the small blade I always keep hidden and I aim it at him. "Listen here hybrid. 2 things you never do. 1, make out with an angel and then go kiss me. 2, kiss me at all. Do not ever mistake this mission for me having feelings for you" I growl before stepping over the shocked Nero and began packing my things. "Where are you going?" He asks and I keep shoving stuff in my bag, "I'm gonna continue the mission. You can catch up after your party or whatever" I said and I walked passed him until suddenly I felt tired. I felt myself pass out.

I caught her as my magic started taking effect. I couldnt have her leave. I pick her up and lay her down on her bed. Im hurting her. And probably Hope aswell. I dont know what in doing. I take Kytaras shoes off and then pull the blankets over her. She nuzzled into the pillow and I smiled a little. She was so....innocent when she slept. I kissed her cheek before walking out and sitting on the couch. I pull her swords out from their hidden place under the couch and look down at each blade. I'll clean them for her. Every single one. Maybe that will cheer her up. Well, time to get to work.

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