Revenge is best done when done ruthlessly

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Dippers POV
I felt a sting in my eyes, my head hurt and my back was uncomfortable like a rusty lock. I finally look around, and there is Ford chained up to the wall, on the tv. I see Bill stand in front of me.
"Ok Pinetree I'm going to do something, and it's going to hurt please can you not hate me." I felt like my head was being torn into pieces. I felt my eyes shifting. My fingers felt like they were shape shifting, and it felt like they were being stabbed with needles from the inside. I opened my eyes, the pain was slowly dissipating, but not much. I pulled Bill into a hug.
"What did you do?" I asked.
"You'll see babe." He kissed me. Giggling I kissed back. I walked around in my shorts and tee shirt, when I saw a mirror. I decided against looking, I walked the halls until I saw a window. There was a giant rip in the sky, it was actually beautiful. The way the Reds and purples blended to a perfect balance.
As I walked I found a door, it looked like it lead outside so I walked out of it.
I soon was falling, the adrenaline rushing around my veins, and the flip in my stomach was invigorating. Then I saw the ground, and the sinking feeling dug into me like a rabid wolf.
I was falling to my death.

Or so I thought, as soon as I hit the ground, I felt a stinging pain. And for some reason it was hilarious. I got up and ran around, jumping and climbing random trees. Until I heard footsteps.
As soon as I heard the footsteps I sat within the trees shelter.
I peeked through the leaves and saw Grunkle Stan and Ford, Mabel and a boy with black hair. I decided to follow them through the trees. I thought Grunkle Ford was being tormented. I followed the quartet, and they seemed to be looking for something. Then they talked.
"Hey Grunkle Ford, what's the plan again?" Mabel asked.
"Since the demon cares so much about Dipper, then we take Dipper and negotiate his life." I almost gasped, but held it in. This would help Bill win, right?
"If this fails, we use the memory erase gun on Dipper and bring him to our side. He would know a lot about this." I was growling on the inside. They were going to use me. I felt a pang of excitement. They left and I looked around, then I saw Ford. I had an idea, I grabbed my belt and I worked up to him silently. I whipped him with the belt.
The man fell and before he could call for help, I gagged him with the belt. I dragged his thrashing old man body to the fearamid. I called bills name.
"You called love." He cooed.
"I got you a present." He saw Ford.
"Aww this is the best present ever. Let's kill him together." I laughed.
"Yeah." Fords eyes widened. He was shacking, and tears formed in his eyes. Bill teleported us to the dungeon.
Then we decide to strap him to a table. I watched as Bill brought a cart of tools.
I grabbed the bone saw, and started on his leg. I sawed into it as Ford cried out for help. Bill looked pleased and watched as I went to work on the next one.
Then I went to his arms, blood sprayed everywhere, and Fords pleas were getting quieter. Then I took the scalpel and cut into his chest.
I carved intricate designs on his back, then flayed his chest.
Then Bill soon had enough and plunged the knife right into Fords showing, beating heart.
Earning a last garble of blood loss.  

After the tormenting.

Bill finished the worthless old man. And we threw him out, and I put his corpse outside the shack. I smiled sadistically, I'm so ready to rule.
I walked to the everlasting pond and looked at the waters. And I saw myself.
I had green cat eye, the green glowing a bit. At first I freaked out.
"Oh nothing much."
Then I looked at my hands, they had pointed fingers, and my skin was Turing black. Then the pain in my back started again.
I'm doubled over crying, screaming at this point. It felt like my bones were crushing and pushing on the skin of my back
I looked around as soon as the pain ceased, there were two little bat wings, sprouted from my lower back.
Bill hugged me.
"I love you Pinetree, you'll make a beautiful queen."
"I love you too bill, my king."

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