Party's, Nutella, and a Sleepover

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This chapter is dedicated to @JaneccaE  and @jr0127 Thanks for your awesome comments it means a lot! And Thanks @jr0127 for being a very amazing and helpful critique!  <Edited>


"Are you serious Nick?" Derek's face turns red as he stares Nick down.

"Man, just calm down." Nick says holding his hands up.

"Derek calm down he was just trying to help." I try to calm him down.

"You are no better than him, giving him your phone number and all. I thought you were better than that. You know what, you deserve each other. I'm going home." He turns swiftly on his heel and storms away. I run over to him and put my hand on his shoulder which he shakes off. We are standing in Nick's back yard.

"Derek."  I sound like a whiny five year old but I don't care at the moment.

"What do you want?" He yells. His anger slightly scares me but he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me, would he? All eyes are on us and I ignore it. It feels as though I have a lump in my throat which makes it hard for me to talk.

"I'm sorry."

"About what?" He says while laughing hysterically. "For getting caught? Don't even."

"I can't help it that my parents got divorced and he noticed and wanted to help unlike you." My voice is harsh and his face softens.

"Your parents are divorced? I- I- I didn't know. I'm sorry." I just stare at him. I don't even know if want to cry or yell. Luckily he understands and wraps me into a bear hug. He pulls back from our embrace to wipe the tears that I didn't even know were falling away. He gives me a kiss and I hear a chorus of awes, claps and wolf whistles. He smiles against my lips and we pull away. I mentally slap myself for temporarily forgetting that we had an audience. Everybody turned away with impatient chatter.

"I think I should go home now." I say awkwardly.

"Ok and I think I should go apologize to Nick. I was kinda harsh back there." Derek runs a hand through his hair.

"That's really sweet Derek." I smile at him. "Now it’s time for a little of where’s Waldo, best friend edition." Derek chuckles.

"Have a good night."

"Okay talk to you later." I walk away looking inside the house and outside until I found Maggie talking to some girls. And I heard the last part of their conversation.

"Her parents just got divorced, she doesn't need to hear this on top of the stuff she is going through now." Maggie says. 

"She has the right to know what Derek did." Says another girl. She looks up at me and her face goes as white as a piece of paper. "Chloe." I turn my attention to Maggie, no need to create a scene.

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