Chapter 14 - On the Road Again

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Luca's POV

I set the last bag in the trunk of the taxi and turned to watch Blythe and Bekah whispering feverishly to one another. I grinned at how cute they looked, as if they had become best friends in only forty-eight hours. Bekah squeezed Blythe in a tight hug before releasing her to climb into the waiting vehicle. Blythe walked toward me with a smile on her face and a spring in her step. It was obvious that she was happy to head home.

I held the rear door open as she climbed into the cab and slid across the seat. As I began to lower myself behind her, Rachel came running out of the house calling my name.

"Luc!" she cried, throwing herself into my arms. "You were right," she mumbled into my shoulder. "I've been selfish, and I haven't thought about what is best for you. Please give me another chance?"

Her watery gaze met mine, and for a moment I felt regret at hurting her, but I knew that I had made the right decision. Rachel was not the right woman for me, and I wanted to wait until I found the woman that could be my everything.

"I forgive you, Rachel," I murmured as I wiped a tear from her eye. A smile started to spread across her face. "But it's over. You and I just aren't meant to be together," I finished.

Anger flashed in her eyes followed by obvious pain. Her grip on my forearms tightened, as if she could keep me with her by sheer determination.

"Goodbye, Rachel," I said quietly and turned to get into the car.

"But I love you, Luc!" Rachel yelled, surprisingly making a scene. I knew how much she hated attention when she wasn't in top form. "Please," she begged, her voice almost a whisper.

My eyes met hers, and I'm sure my gaze looked equally sad. I hated to hurt her. She might have been shallow since our engagement, and her focus on our wedding had been singular, but she had been my link to Alessandra. We had gone through a terrible experience together, and that forges a bond that is almost unbreakable. I didn't love her, but she had helped me through a very dark time, and she meant a great deal to me.

"I can't, Rachel," I murmured. "I'm sorry."

The last words caught in my throat. I knew they weren't enough to ease the hurt I was causing her.

 After staring into her pain-filled grey orbs, I forced myself to break her gaze and enter the waiting cab. I glanced at Blythe, and yet again, I found her expression extremely mature for a child of twelve. Her face was filled with such compassion, like she understood what I was experiencing. Silently, she reached across the seat and grabbed my hand, giving it an encouraging squeeze before returning it to her lap.

The taxi was silent as we drove to the bus station. When we arrived, I gathered our luggage from the trunk. Bekah must have given Blythe the wardrobe of a small nation, because her bag was surprisingly heavy. Holding both mine and Blythe's luggage in one hand, I intertwined our fingers with my free hand and began to lead her through the crowded terminal. The line at the ticket counter was unusually long, and Blythe and I continued to wait our turn with a surprisingly comfortable lack of conversation.

After purchasing our tickets, I continued our journey to a few vacant seats in the corner. Gesturing in front of me, I indicated that Blythe should make herself comfortable, or as comfortable as she could in the navy, plastic seats. We still had about thirty minutes until they would start boarding for the first leg of what would be a twenty-four hour trip. Once Blythe was situated in one of the chairs, I rested our luggage just next to remaining chair and sank onto its unforgiving surface. After several minutes, I noticed Blythe yawn and rub her eyes.

"More nightmares last night?"

She surprised me when she grunted in frustration. "Yes, and it's pissing me off," she grumbled. I chuckled at the harsh little mouth on her. It wasn't the first time I'd been amused by the language that came from such an innocent looking girl.

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