Chapter three

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I woke up sheets from a rackety bed wrapped around my body. I was wearing my only change of clothes old faded jeans and a black t-shirt that was torn off in a few places near my stomach. My eyes adjusted to the lighting in the room.
The Ryuzaki family had their own room for their human slaves which was about eight other girls and two boys on the other side of the room. I finally got a glimpse of what the room looked like. It was made of wood, the ground was covered in straw, and the windows were boarded up. This room used to be a small barn, no doubt.
"Get up servants!"Angeni ordered as she came to the door. The female vampire leaned on the side of the door and crossed her arms in obvious annoyance. Humans slowly woke up and tried to get their eyes to adjust to the unusual lighting.
"I said now!"Angeni shouted. Humans instantly jumped out of their beds their eyes wide with fear. However I stayed in my bed, my brain feeling clouded from lack of sleep. The female vampire spotted me her eyes shooting daggers at me. Her black boots sounded like she was stomping as her feet touched the floor of the former barn. Angeni grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled my face closer to hers "What are you freakin retarded!? Get up!" She yelled.
I winced as her voice reached my ear drums. Then I got the message and jumped out of bed my feet swiftly hitting the ground and my white torn up sheets hitting the straw on the ground. Angeni walked to the front of the room facing the slaves. She seemed to be chewing on something probably blood flavored gum or fitting for her personality road kill.
"Ok Marina, you have to clean all the dishes and silver ware you better be done in the next hour, and while your at it set the table," "Liv, wow this is an ironic name since your going to be dead soon, you are going to be my butler for the day,"Angeni went on with gruesome, boring, and senseless tasks for the day I finally zoned out until my name was called. "Jessica you are going to by Kyran's butler for the day,"Then the female vampire sneered "Good luck,". "Now go to your tasks immediately,"Angeni ordered flipping her long beautiful hair she strutted out of the salve house, Liv her butler for the day, struggling to keep up.
I quickly walked out of the slave house taking long steps to get out faster. "Kyran!?"I called out trying to find the vampire prince. Suddenly a huge gust of wind blew past me and I quickly turned around .
"Yes Jessica? Why did you call for me?"Kyran asked. I stood still in shock for a moment. Most vampires weren't that fast. Even highly ranked ones in society. Were pure bloods really that special?
"I'm supposed to be your butler for today or something?"I fidgeted as I spoke and constantly changed the position I was standing in.
     "Yes of course there are some duties I will need your help to attend to,"Kyran walked slowly but gracefully toward the manor. As I tried to keep up a thought struck me. Can I really survive living here for the rest of my life?

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