The Fire Station

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I walk into the fire hall and see Jesse standing. Jesse's sister does rodeos. He is about 3 years older than I am. Whenever I am around him, he tends to act like he holds more knowledge than I do. He seemed tired. It was around 19:00. Which really isn't that late. He could have had a long day at work I guess.

"Hey Jesse! What are you doing up here?"

"Oh nothing really. I didn't hear you walk up the stairs."

"Yeah, I'm like a ninja! Just kidding, I'm surprised I didn't fall going up the stairs"

"Oh, come on! You can't be that clumsy! You're like a cowgirl ain't you?"

"Er- I guess." I never really considered myself a cowgirl. I don't think I reached that status, I don't think I ever will either. I never really thought I was this tough character. I tend to act really tough but I get butt hurt sometimes. Not to mention the social anxiety I have going on. I was able to get over the depression stage. I like to think I'm in a good place in my life.

"I'm going to check on the old engine downstairs. Holler if you need anything." I wanted to sound like I wasn't just trying to leave.

"Oh, Rain?"

"Yeah?" I was surprised he remembered my name.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Um, nothing. Unless Adam has something planned,"

"Oh well, I was wondering if you wanted to help with the cattle tomorrow."

"Thanks, but I don't really have the horse for that. He's fairly green.  I say he likes to kill people for a living."

"Well, I have a horse if you change your mind. It's on my grandpa's ranch. It's about 10 minutes away from here."

He's inviting me out to "work" with him. I'm not to sure how I should go about this. Adam won't be too happy about this. Maybe he'll understand.

I walk downstairs to go and check on my companies engine. She's doing just fine. I love to drive around with Adam. Adam is also on the department. I'm a little terrified of driving the engines without him. He knows his way around everything.

I call Adam to see what he's doing. I grab my phone and almost drop it trying to take it out. I call him and it rings


"Oh hey babe, I was wondering what you were doing"

I heard a loud engine behind me. My heart flutters and without even looking I know it's Adam.

He gets out and runs towards me. His arms wrap around me and he spins me around.

"Sorry I was late. I feel bad. So we are going to go for a drive!"

"Ooooh! I love drives! Can I pick the music?"

"Eh, I don't know about that,"

"I'll choose it off of your phone!"

"Okay fine!"

And away we went.

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