Getting to Work Zeus

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I wake up alone in the bed. I was slightly surprised considering how late I went to bed, that Adam is already up. I sit up and stretch. I can smell that it's Saturday. Bacon.

I jump up and swing against the door frame to the kitchen. Of course, I almost fell on my face against the hardwood. I wouldn't be surprised if that ended up happening...

"Morning babe, you're up already?"

"Adam shut up I want food!"

"Give me 5 more minutes!"

"You have 3 seconds."

Adam grabs a burnt piece of bacon and throws it at me. I catch it in mid-air stooping it from 1) hitting me, 2) stop it from hitting my saddle I have on display. He backs up about 2 feet and hits the counter behind him. "Rain. Don't do it." He slowly walks forward and makes sure I won't attack him. "I didn't mean to almost attack the saddles."

I always found it funny how Adam knows why I react to certain things the way that I do.

I get dressed and get in the truck to go see Zeus. I wonder if the fence is still standing. I keep Zeus at an open field next to some cows. I would like a ranch at some point. We have the money to get one. But I felt that we needed to start of small. We aren't really digging for money left and right. We just more or less are holding back. Why? I don't know.

The tack room is large, but it's so crowded from the Land Owners crap that he never took out. I need to move my saddle into that room at some point. Effort. Too much of it is required to do stuff like that. We only have one bale of hay and one bag of grain that the mice are already biting at.

I pull into the dirt path by his field. I see the fucking geese that are always going to be by the gate. I already knew they were there. Why do I agree to this stuff? I climb over the fence so I can avoid the geese. I really don't need them trying to bite me or yelling at me. If you didn't know, geese hiss at you and they have actual teeth. If you want to torture somebody, stick them in a room with domesticated geese. Despite the fact, I hate the geese, I did name them.

Naming animals is not childish. I can have a caterpillar stuck to my jacket and I would name it out of boredom, and to make it seem friendly. So, when I tell Keebo (I named the oldest and meanest goose Keebo, don't judge,) to piss off, it makes him seem a lot nicer. Try naming a mean lion Leo. It makes them seem a lot nicer. Like something that you would want to cuddle with! I bet a bunch of you are laughing. Well don't!

In specifics, the solid white goose is named Keebo. It's a mountain. The Goose with a little bit of grey in his wings is named Dozer. Keebo is an asshole and he tries to act like he'll bite you. But he's pretty chill when I brought Zeus in. Dozer has never hissed at me now that I think about it.

Zeus stares at me wondering why I'm not going by the gate. He's also glaring at my grooming kit I can finally now use. I throw it over the fence along with my bareback pad I also brought because if I start riding him in one now, he might chill out when I put on my saddle. When I throw it over he doesn't spook and he's still staring at me like I'm crazy and he doesn't want to be messed with.

When I climb over the fence he puts his head down and is slowly blinking. I walk over to him nice and slowly. He doesn't seem to care. I run his face and he decides to get lovey and get in my face. I know he bites so I kind of back off. I grab his halter off the fence. I left it there last night. I know it's not going to rain for a few weeks so I'm not too worried about it.

I put the halter on him and he even decides to lower his head for me. Okay, I have this horse is a huge a-hole. Why is he doing what I expect him to do. He's being a good boy. I walk him over to the gate. I have no other place to tie him at this moment. I decide that the gate is now the designated place to tie him.

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