Parts of Speech: Phrase, Clause and Sentence

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A phrase is a group or words that express a concept and is used as a unit within a sentence. Eight common types of phrases are: noun, , , infinitive, appositive, participial, prepositional, and absolute.

Noun Phrases

A noun phrase consists of a noun and all its modifiers.

Here are examples:

The bewildered tourist was lost.

The senile old man was confused.

The lost puppy was a wet and stinky dog.

The flu clinic had seen many cases of infectious disease.

It was a story as old as time.

The sports car drove the long and winding road.

Saturday became a cool, wet afternoon.

Verb Phrases

A verb phrase consists of a verb and all its modifiers.

Here are examples:

He was waiting for the rain to stop.

She was upset when it didn't boil.

You have been sleeping for a long time.

You might enjoy a massage.

He was eager to eat dinner.

Gerund Phrases

A gerund phrase is simply a noun phrase that starts with a gerund.

Examples include:

Taking my dog for a walk is fun.

Walking in the rain can be difficult.

Strolling along a beach at sunset is romantic.

Getting a promotion is exciting.

Signing autographs takes time.

Going for ice cream is a real treat.

Singing for his supper was how he earned his keep.

Getting a sore back was the result of the golf game.

Pulling an all-nighter did not improve his test scores.

Sailing into the sunset was the end of the book.

Infinitive Phrases

An infinitive phrase is a noun phrase that begins with an infinitive.

Here are some examples:

Everybody loves to watch movies.

To make lemonade, you have to start with lemons.

I tried to see the stage, but I was too short.

She organized a boycott to make a statement.

To see Niagara Falls is mind-boggling.

He really needs to get his priorities in order.

The company decided to reduce hours for everyone.

To donate time or money is an honorable thing.

I went to Spain to study the language and culture.

Appositive Phrases

An appositive phrase restates a noun and consists of one or more words.

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