Going away

201 9 3

Connor above
Unedited this is our first book so be fair and nice thanks

Amber and Cat

Chapter 1

Ashley's prove

Everyone froze when I said that. I don't get why they froze? Probley because I NEVER curse in my life. Here are some things you should know about me,I have long brown hair and light blue eyes. I have a brother, Ashton he is a year older then me. Last but not least my enemy, the bad boy Joey Mack. Then Joey said something hat made me go away for 2 years. He said"I don't think miss little nerd should be cursing like that,right?" I had tears ready to come out. He continued"right, are you going to go cry to mommy, because she won't be there for you." Since that day I HATED HIM and when I got home I went straight to my mom and dad and said"I am leaving to go to a boarding school in Australia, is that alright?" I asked them. Then what they said next surprised me the most"Sure honey,but you have to back home in 2 years. You ONLY have 2 years to get yourself cleaned up then you are coming home, ok" they said. I said"ok thanks mom and dad, I am going upstairs to pack, thanks again." She had almost all her things packed and ready to go when her brother came in"where are you going, ley"he said. "I'm going to a boarding school school in Australia for 2 years,Asher I can't stand Joey Mack he is he one who made me go away

." "Ok for you I will knock,Joey into next week" said Ashton. "Thanks,Asher you are the best brother ever."


"Ashley your plane is coming soon we have to leave to go to the airport"said mom. "Okay mom thanks again for letting me do this"said ashley. The mason family leaves to go to the airport.


"Be good and meet a lot of friends email, text ,Skype us honey we will miss you" said her mom and dad. "Plane 676 for Australia"said the speaker. "That is my plane bye mom,dad, and Asher. "Be good to mom and dad and keep your girlfriend,Casey ok Asher." Ok, ley" they hug and ashley gets on the plane.


Ashley's prove

I am sitting next to a cute boy about my age. "Hi, my name is ashley and you are?"I say to the guy. He says"I'm Connor, nice to meet you." Connor has blonde hair and light blue eyes like mine. Connor and I talk the whole plane ride, I find out he is going to the same school as me and he didn't like his old school so he is going here instead.

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