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please don't send me hate about zayn's death

i know you didn't want to read about it, nor did i want to write it

but, you have to understand his death was a necessity in the story


although, mabel did surf with zayn that day, she was extremely uncomfortable

but, when zayn died surfing, she realized that zayn died doing something he loved. she realized that she would much rather die doing something she loved than living her whole life in a hole of misery.


also, this is actually an inbetween ending, not just sad

yes, it's sad that zayn died and it's sad that she lost her leg

and yes, in the end, no one praises her for getting back in the water

but, it's happy because she's finally happy.

she's surfing again and surfing is what makes her truly happy


no, this was never meant to be a love story

this is mainly about mabel overcoming her fear with the help of zayn

maybe if zayn hadn't died, they would be together

but if he didn't die, she would still be trapped inside her own fear

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