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a guy not much older than me with stubble growing on his chin promenaded in, a cigarette placed in between his pink, plump lips. he took a long, last drag from his smoke before smushing the tip against the trashcan and throwing the remnants of the cigarette inside. the only item of clothing clung to his body were a pair of swimming trunks. his chest was bare, showing off his toned chest.

“i’d like a cup of decaf coffee.”

when his gaze met my own, they were blank. it was nice, actually because for once, i was met by something different from sympathy.

“hello?” his voice compelled me to snap my head up, smiling apologetically.

“sorry, coming right up.”

after i had served him with his cup of coffee, he seated his bum in a booth, sipping on his coffee, rather loudly might i add. he smirked once he caught me staring, wiggling his eyebrows in pure mockery. i readjusted my eyes, my cheeks turning a crimson color.

my pupils caught the waves, and i sighed. i missed the sea so much, but i couldn’t face my fear, not now, and maybe not ever. memories of the incident were brought back into my mind, tears welling in my eyes. whenever i thought of going out and actually surfing again, my anger replaced my longing thoughts. i was angry at myself for being so careless, i was angry at myself for causing so much pain for myself, and for that, i was determined to never go back, no matter how much it pained me inside.


“for fuck’s sake, you don’t just do that to people!” i cried, alarmed at the sudden voice.

“sorry, love. i just noticed how you were staring at the water, would you like to learn how to surf?”

he must be new here because everyone knew that the girl with the fake leg loved surfing, was quite good at it. everyone knew that the only reason that girl stopped was because of the accident, and everyone knew that girl was me.

“no thanks, i just love watching the waves, you know? it’s beautiful, but i couldn’t ever swim, let alone surf. there’s no use teaching me,” i fibbed.

“oh, c’mon. surely, you’d like to try,” he insisted.

“it’s dangerous.”

my tone unintentionally turned harsh, his eyes widening slightly. he shrugged as if it was my loss, and by now, i really didn’t know if staying away was a loss or a win.

“you could ask me if you ever change your mind, i’m guessing you’ve seen me surfing everyday considering i’m the only one that dares to,” he continued.


i had seen him without knowing it was him. everyday, i would see a figure surfing, and i was worried for them, but my love for surfing over powered my worries, forcing me to admire the brave soul. maybe i should have warned him about the sharks, but i couldn’t bring myself to. for once, i was enjoying something. if i couldn’t surf, the next best thing was watching, right? maybe i’m selfish, but i’m desperate too, and desperate times call for desperate measures. i would do anything to be happy.

“i’m zayn, by the way.”

jaws » zayn malikWhere stories live. Discover now