Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 (Devyn’s POV)

“Devyn, will you be my girlfriend?”

Oh my gosh.

My jaw dropped to the ground.

“Hayes, we just met three days ago! That’s not how it works!” I replied.

“What?” all the boys screamed.

“You can’t just date someone if you’ve only known each other for three days!”

I stormed out of the kitchen and into my bedroom. I grab my dance bag and leave the apartment. I head towards Quinn’s Studio of Dance. Uncontrollable tears start streaming down my face. I am so emotional. I overreacted. I really like Hayes but you can’t date someone if you haven’t known them for at least a week.

I open the doors to the studio and see Quinn sitting at the front desk.

“Hello, how can I help you?” she asks.

“I was here yesterday. Is there any way to get into a studio right now? I really need to dance,” I grab a twenty from my purse. “I’ll pay extra.”

“No, no honey. You go in the same studio you were in yesterday. It looks like you need to escape for a while,” she walks over to me, “If you need to talk to anyone, I’m here. Stay in there for as long as you want, don’t worry about it.”

“Thank you so much Quinn. I really appreciate it.”


(Taylor’s POV)

She storms out of the apartment with a big duffel bag.

“Guys, she leaving! She’s running away!” I scream.

Hayes’s head bolts up from the table.

“What?” he yells.

“She left with a big orange duffel bag! I can’t tell Aunt Caroline that she ran away!”

“Taylor, calm down,” Aaron soothes.

“No! She was my responsibility! I can’t believe this!”

“Why isn’t someone chasing after her?” Jack J yells.

“Guys, she’s not running away.” Hayes whispers.

“Hayes freakin’ speak up!” Nash screams at him.

“She’s not running away! Give her space!” He bolts from the table and runs into her bedroom.

“Everyone, blow up her phone. Make her tell us where she is.”

To: Dev:)

Devyn Emersyn Rhodes! Where are you going?

Ten minutes go by with no reply.


(Hayes’s POV)

I bolt from the table and run into her bedroom. I lie on her bed and cry my eyes out. She’s right. I should have waited.

I look around her bedroom. I haven’t really looked at all the pictures on the walls and all the little nick-knacks on the dresser.

One picture showed her with a group of nine other girls. They were all in the middle of performing a dance. All of them had their leg up in the air in perfect timing. They all had on black spandex with a purple sparkly sports bra on.

Another showed the same group of girls surrounding Devyn while she had her arms up like she was pushing a wall and had a crazy face on. I laughed at her for a few minutes and went back to crying after that. An hour went by of me just lying in her bed.

Nash walked into her room, “Hayes. Get up off your butt and go and look for her.”

“She doesn’t want to be found,” I turned around so I was facing the other wall.

“Hayes. She didn’t reject you because she doesn’t like you. She does. Sparks fly whenever you’re together. You just need to wait it out.”

“Whatever. If I find her she’ll just tell me to go away.”

“If she does who cares? Girls are so confusing.”

“Fine! I’ll go!” I stormed out of her room and almost left the apartment before I remembered something.

“Taylor, what color was her duffel bag again?” I ask.

“Orange. Why?”

“I know where she is.”

I run to Quinn’s. Her dance bag is orange.

(Devyn’s POV)

I’ve been dancing for a little over an hour. I forgot everything while I was dancing. Quinn came in after an hour to see how I was doing.

“Honey, I was wondering if you wanted to talk?”

“Oh, thanks Quinn, I’m sure you don’t want to hear about my life problems. It’s terrible.”

“No, I have time. Sit down, I’ll listen.”

I sigh and begin, “Well, I’m from Rhode Island, and my mom was transferred to Idaho for the summer. She sent me here with my cousin, who doesn’t even live here. He’s here with all his friends from something called MagCon.”

“Oh, is he friends with the Griers?” she interrupts.

“Yeah. That’s kinda why I’m here.”

“Okay, continue.”

“Taylor had his friends over at the apartment the first day. I met Hayes. All the boys said it was love at first sight. We went on our first date yesterday. WE came here after the movie, actually. He spent the night at out apartment and this morning he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said no because we barely have known each other for three days. But now I’m regretting it. I think I over reacted.”

“Honey, I,” she starts.

“Quinn, someone’s here to see you.”


(Hayes’s POV)

“Excuse me; do you know where Quinn is?” I ask the lady at the front desk. She nods her head and walks to get her. I stand there trying to catch my breath until Quinn comes out.

“Hello, what can I do for you?” she asks.

“My name’s Hayes,” I start.

“Hayes?” she interrupts.

“Yeah,” I give her a wired look. “I’m looking for Devyn. I know she’s here.”

“I don’t think she wants to see you Hayes.”

“I have to see her. I need to.”

She purses her lips together and finally decides, “Fine. Follow me,” she leads me to the same studio we were in last time.

“Hayes?” she yells.

“I’m going to leave you two alone,” she leaves and closes the door behind her.

“What are you doing here?” she screams at me.

“I came to apologize.” I say back to her. I grab her hands and look her right into the eyes. “I’m sorry Dev. I should have waited. I’m really, really sorry.”

“Hayes, I should be the one apologizing. I overreacted. I shouldn’t have stormed out of there like that. I feel like crap.” I pull her into my chest and she rests her head on my shoulder.


“Yes Hayes?”

“Will you give me a chance?”

She pulls away and looks at her shoes. I can tell she’s really thinking hard about that one. She looks into my eyes. I see tears forming in her eyes. She crashes her lips into mine.

“Does that answer your question?”

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