Chapter 3

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Madison's POV
It is almost Christmas and yes I already got my playlist and It's been three months since me and Jared started dating and I love him so much. But right now I am mad at him because I saw him kiss another girl. He said it wasn't what it looked like but I didn't believe him. So we are all eating lunch in the cafeteria on the lot and I'm sitting between mom and dad but Jared isn't here. All of a sudden my favorite song all I want for Christmas is you by Mariah Carey is playing through the speakers and I smile immediately but when the music starts playing Mariah doesn't start singing Jared does. "I don't want a lot for Christmas there is just one thing I need, I don't care about the present underneath the Christmas tree" Jared starts singing and I put my hands over my mouth. Jared starts walking towards me while still singing " I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know make my wish come true... all I want for Christmas is you" I start crying Jared puts his hand out I put my hand in his and he stood me up. " I would never ever cheat on you babe, I love you too much to do that to you" Jared said that and grabbed my by my waist and kissed me sweetly, I kissed him back and put both my hands on his cheeks. I have a huge smile on my face when we broke "I'm so sorry I thought you would cheat on me" I said and looked down at me feet. He puts his finger under my chin and made me look in his eyes. "I wouldn't dare cheat on you she kissed me I couldn't move" he said and pecks my lips softly. " I love you" I -smiled and replied with "I love you too." "Now that the lovebirds are back together can we all go home since the season 6 winter finale is over" Emilie asked. "Yeah" me and Jared said at the same time.
(Once we get home)
"Mom dad me and Jared are going upstairs." Jared and I run upstairs and once we get to my room I plopped down on the bed. "What's wrong beautiful." I smile and kiss him. "Nothing I just need a shower, so do you but I'll let you go first." Jared looks at me hurt and puts a hand on his chest "are you trying to say I stink my love " I laugh and get up "of course not i was trying to be nice but I'll go first now." I go to my dresser and get my grey Nike sweatpants and a black tank top. (20 minutes later) I get out the shower with my wet hair in a messy bun. I grab my phone and check snapchat. "I'm going in" Jared grabs his grey Nike sweats and black shirt. (5 minutes into the shower) I open the door and grab my straightener "hey babe I'm straightening my hair." "That's fine" he gets out the shower 10 minutes later and has a towel wrapped around his waist. He puts his hand around my waist and grabs his phone "mirror selfie" he says I put the straighter down and grab my phone we both take a picture and I smile at him. "I wanna kiss you so bad right now" he says both hands on my hips. "Then do it" I whisper in his ear. He pushed me up against the wall and kisses me. The door opens and we didn't notice because we where to busy making out. "WHAT THE HELL!" Mom yells and we jump apart. "Hi mom is dinner ready?" I ask trying to avoid the conversation we are about to have. "Don't" she says sternly. We both look down ashamed and afraid to look he in the eyes. "Why does this keep happening I heard a bang and I thought you fell in the shower so I came in to check on you only to find Jared aggressively shoving you against the wall." "Please mom don't blame madz I pushed he against the wall." "Jared why would you do that?" She asks with a confused look on her face. "Mom please don't blame Jared I kinda told him to" "babe don't say that" "no I did tell you to and, I don't want you getting in trouble because of me" I said turning to face Jared. "I won't let you take the blame for this my love, I would rather me in trouble than you and I would do it a thousand times again." Jared said so sweetly that brought tears to my eyes. "Come on now your making me feel bad, madz I have to tell your father" I turned around so quick " mom please don't do this I'm pretty sure he is still mad from the first time." "Please mom don't do this if you love me you won't do this to madz and i" says Jared. "I over you both so much so Jared put some clothes on without Madison's help and then we go tell your father." I sigh knowing this will end badly. I sit on the sink counter and put my head in my hands "babe it's gonna be okay" Jared say and moves in between my legs facing me. "No it won't" I say shaking my head I get off the counter and close the bathroom door. Not even 2 minutes after Jared in coming out the bathroom and kissing me passionately. "Come on let's get this over with" I say and walk out my room. When we get down stairs mom and dad are already sitting on the couch. Jared and I sit in the love seat across for them. "Would you like to tell sean what I walked in on." Mom asks me clearly irritated still "please don't be mad dad." Sean looks confused I just try and put a smile on my face. "Can you just tell me" Sean says. "Just remember how much I love you when I tell you this." I say. "Umm so mom walked in on me and Jared kissing again." I say trying to keep it short and simple. "Keep going , your not done" mom says and I groan. "Um and Jared he was only wearing a towel aga-"before I could finish dad interrupts me. "Can either of you tell me WHY IN THE HELL YOU DID THIS AGAIN YOU SAID IT WONT EVER HAPPEN AGAIN MADISON ROSE MAGUIRE!" And I new I was dead as soon as he said my full name. "Dad I'm really sorry" I say. "Sean I'm really sorry as well." "Don't forget the part where Jared aggressively pushed her against the wall during there make out session" Lana say getting angrier the more she speaks. Jared puts his head down. "Please dad don't be mad at Jared I told him to." Mom and dad look at each other and nodded mom grabbed my hand and took me upstairs to her room. "Madison may I remind you that YOUR 14 YEARS OLD AND SEX SHOULDN'T be on your mind." Mom
yells at me. "I know and it's not" "then why every time I catch you two kissing it gets closer and closer to sex first time kissing this time it was aggressive and his hand was up your shirt and on your ass" I look down ashamed. "Can you let me explain how this is all my fault not Jared's." she nodded. "Well Jared got out the shower and said I want to kiss you so bad right now and I said then do it and he pushed me against the wall and then you walked in and ruined the fun" mom looks at me shocked "okay so now your grounded no phone for a week and Jared can't be in your room until I say he can. (After about 1 hour of dad yelling at me and Jared me and him are laying on the couch watching tv and mom and dad and just in the kitchen staring at us. Jared's front is pressed against my back and there is a blanket over us, his hand is on my hip as we watch some random movie. There is a knock on the door mom goes to get it and jinny and josh walk in with baby Neal. "Hey" they say and they walk into the kitchen. Josh walks over the Jared and I and moves Jared's hand away from my hip. Jinny comes and puts Neal in front of us. Me and Jared immediately sit up and I grab Neal and put make him stand on my lap as Jared plays with his fingers and makes funny faces that makes Neal laugh. (Third person view)
Mean while in the kitchen Lana is telling josh and jinny what happened this afternoon with madz and Jared after they left the lot. "Your kidding, again" jinny says. "Nope" the guys get a beer and go watch the game outside. Lana and Jinny are watching Madison and Jared play with Neal. Madison turns to look at the funny faces Jared is making as she does she laughs and kisses his lips quickly but softly. "You have to admit they are cute together and they make Neal so happy he always try's to talk about them, like he will try and say madz and Jared when he wants to play." Lana smiles and looks back at the cute couple. About 30 minutes later Jared and Madison have passed out with baby Neal laying on Jared chest as Madison's head is sitting above his heart and he arm is draped over his waist. "Awe they are so cute" says Lana as she takes out her phone to take a video. Jared start to wake up, Jinny and Lana dart towards the kitchen and try to be very quiet, they peek through the little window there and see Jared has woken up and was checking his phone. He puts his phone down and kisses Madison's forehead and Neal's. "awe" Lana and Jinny still recording but they both say a little to loud making Jared look towards them and Lana and Jinny end up falling trying to run so he doesn't see them. In the process Lana knocks over some pans and Jinny knocks over the fruit bowl on the table. Neal starts crying Jinny went to get him but Lana stops her while trying to get up "let's see what they do." She said, they both get up phones still in hand recording as Madison wakes up jared pecks her lips as he sits up and gets Neal up as well. "Awe baby stop crying." Madison says sitting up next to Jared. They both tickled Neal till he started laughing and stopped crying. Jared turns to Madison as she is smiling. He caresses her cheek and says "there's that elusive but satisfying smile I think about every time I close my eyes" she leans in slowly and kisses him with so much love. They break there kiss and Madison is smiling like crazy "Your so adorable" and Neal is crying again "your more adorable" he says and kisses his head. Madison pouts and he just kisses that pout away. "You guys are adorable, say hi to snapchat, instagram, Facebook, and twitter" says Lana And Jinny. "You guys where recording us" Madison asks. "Yep and you guys look like a very cute couple with a very cute baby. "So I have to ask why, would you do something like that Jared" we both but our heads down knowing exactly what Jinny is talking about. "In my defense how can I not, just look at the beautiful girl I'm dating" he turns and looks at Madison, "stunning in every way" "Lana I don't know how you can be mad at them there too cute." "You just have to be stern and Jared you are grounded as well no phone" "well mom if I don't have my phone I have nothing to do but make out with Madison and we all know how that turns out" Madison just laughs while tickling Neal. "Fine fine but if I walk in and Jared is half naked i will tell your mom Jared" Lana says with a stern face. "Well me and Jared have a date so" i give Neal to mom and walk with Jared to the door. "It's only 3 now I will pick you up at 5" says Jared as he moves to put his had on my hip. "Okay see you then." Jared leans in and kisses me sweetly and I smile into the kiss. I put my hand on Jared's chest and blush. I lean to Jared's ear and whisper "if you don't leave now i don't think you ever will." Jared smile and leaves. I turn around to see mom with a phone in her hand. "Mom why are you always recording us" I say kinda embarrassed. "Because you are too cute." Says jinny, I shake my head and walk upstairs. (TIME LAPSE ITS 4:00)
I get up if my bed and now I have to pick out and outfit. I re-straighten my hair and now I walk to my closet. I get a pair of blue jeans with rips at the knee and a white shirt with a black leather jacket and black knee high boots. I put on some mascara and concealer with lip gloss and head downstairs it's now 4:50 and Jared should be here any minute now. As I walk downstairs mom,dad, Jinny, and josh are all waiting for me. "Mom and dad I'll be back by 8:00" I say and sit on the couch. The doorbell rings and mom grabs her phone. "Can you not record this." I say as my dad gets up to answer the door. "Whatever" says mom still with her phone out. Jared walks in with a black button up and dark jeans. "Looking handsome" is as I give him a hug. "Stunning in every way" Jared says and I blush. "Picture time" says mom. We take picture then we leave. Jared opens the taxi car door for me and I smile "what a gentleman."
We had dinner at "home bound" which is and amazing Italian restaurant and now we are at a fair. "What a great way to end the night." Little did we know the paparazzi where following us the whole time. Jared grabs my hand as we wait in line for the Farris wheel. Once we get on the Farris wheel we notice a group of reporters and camera men taking pictures of us. "Jared the paparazzi found us" I say and hold his hand tighter. "It okay babe after this ride we will leave." Once we get to the top I look around and notice how beautiful the view is "the view is beautiful" Jared says looking at me I smile and blush Jared puts his finger under my chin and the kisses me softly. Once we get off the paparazzi starting bombarding us with questions. "Madison we Jared really cheating one you" "Jared got a new chick don't you" "are the rumor true did you guys get caught about to have sex."
Mom and dad waited for us to see how it was. "The date was great we went to home bound and then to the fair but the paparazzi found us and started asking questions." I look at Jared and smile. "What kind of questions you both look a little shook." Asks dad. "Um just stuff like did Jared really cheat on you, Jared's who's the new chick." Mom looks at me "that's not all is it?" I shake my head. "They asked is I true that we got caught about to have sex." Jared says then looks at me. No and dad look at each other "how would they know about that, the only people who know is the cast and none of them would tell something like that" says mom. I just shrug my shoulders and go upstairs. Jared goes in the bathroom to change while is change and lay on the bed. "I am so tired and we have to go to an award event for the show" says Jared as he comes out of the bathroom and lays next to me. "Oh cool I'm wearing red so if you want to match" "that would be great." I smile and put my phone on the charger. "Good night" Jared says and kisses my head. "Night".

Adopted by Lana Parrilla and Sean MaguireWhere stories live. Discover now