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 I awoke with a cold sweat, and my blanket crumbled on the floor. I huffed, frightened. I had a nightmare; a really bad one. It was too realistic; as if I was ripped out of reality. I cleared my throat, calming myself and straightening myself out. I snatched my blanket from the floor, and placed it next to me, not bothering with it for now.

  I closed my eyes, still scared by my nightmare. It was about a murderer, sneaking into my house. He had came in through the window, and ended up murdering me when I opened up my closet. 

  My eyes immediately opened, and I froze with complete fear. My eyes slowly travel to the open window. My mouth opens to scream in fear, or gasp, but nothing comes out. I immediately look to my closet door, trembling. Should I dare to open it? 

  Slowly, and carefully, I got onto my feet, staggering my way to my closet. This damn anxiety was making me so nervous. I approached the wooden, decorated door and placed my trembling hand on the door knob. 

  I sharply sucked in a big puff of air, and swung the door open, blocking my body on instinct, just in case. My eyes squeezed shut, and I waited for the blow. 

  To my luck, and surprise, nobody was in my closet. Only my hung clothes and a plastic hamper. I gave a loud sigh of relief, the tension and anxiety fading away. I shut the door, and took a glance in my mirror. My hair was messy, of course, since I had just woken up. 

  I shrug, knowing I wasn't going to go anywhere today, most likely; but, just in case I had to go somewhere, I quickly grab my teal brush, and began to untangle my hair with ease. My hair wasn't hard to get neat, honestly. It was rather soft. 

  I throw the brush aside, deciding that it was neat enough. Not like I was going anywhere today. Maybe to visit my mother, but that would be it. She wouldn't mind how I look. I brush the thoughts aside, shaking my head. My mother was probably busy either way. She had a doctor's appointment today anyways. 

 I made soft kiss noises, trying to call to my cat. She wasn't in my room when I woke up. "Caliiiii." I drag her name out, snapping my fingers, walking into the dim lit hallway, my eyes scouring for her. Maybe she was downstairs, she tends to be down there in the mornings. Normally waiting for me to give her breakfast or some kitty treats. I shrug, puckering my lips in distaste. 

  I began to walk down the creaky stairs of my quite large condo, cringing every time the damn things squeaked as loud as they could. It's like they're doing it on purpose. I sigh, ignoring the sound. The sun beamed in through the glass of the windows on either side of the front door, basically shouting that it would be a nice, warm day. That was relieving. 

  I yawn, making my way to my kitchen, my eyes becoming a bit hazy. I should've known not to stay up so late. Damn. I rub my eyes, muttering obscenities under my breath. "Cali!" I call again, walking in the kitchen. Still nothing. Ah, maybe she was just sleeping somewhere in the condo. She always hid, no matter who was in the house. She was so skittish. 

  I swung the fridge door open, staring at the contents inside of the cold box. There was nearly nothing in this damn thing. "I need to go shopping today," I murmur to myself. Huh, I suppose I was going somewhere today. I roll my eyes, grabbing an apple that hung alone in the corner of a side shelf. I shut the door, cold air basically smacking me in the arm. I growl, taking a bite of the fruit I held. 

  "Somebody seems to be havin' a bad morning," a voice said. It was so deep, dark. Awfully raspy, like they were a smoker. It sent shivers up my spine. The voice sounded like it came straight out of a nightmare. 

 I nearly choked on my apple, but I swallow it quickly, not turning around. Who knows who could be behind me? I clear my throat, calming myself. Even though I was scared out of my mind, I answer this being with a calm, smooth voice. 

  "I suppose it seems like it." 

  "Aha," the person let out a soft, haunting chuckle, "You seem quite calm, considering I'm just some random person, that's in your house." 

  I smirk at this person, a bit amused honestly. How dimwitted were they? Could they tell by my stiff body language I was obviously afraid? 

  "That's funny," I say, "I'm actually quite afraid right now, I'll be honest here." 

  I got a loud laugh out of this person. Damn, they were having a sweet time messing with me. Soon enough, I felt hot breath on the back of my neck. I froze, my body rigid. 

  "Turn around," the voice said, sounding as if they were right next to me, whispering in my ear. I didn't want my life to end like this.

  I obey, turning around slowly. I squeeze my eyes shut, not prepared for whom ever was behind me. I force my eyes open, confused. 


There was nobody.

 "What the hell?" I say aloud, tilting my head. 

  I nearly scream when I feel somebody wrap their arm around my torso, though they cover my mouth in time. The haunting chuckle came back, right next to me. 

  "Go to sleep."  


wow, that was crappy, i apologize.

anyways, hi! so so sorry for the hiatus on this story, i've kinda grown out of my creepypasta phase, well, my fanfiction writing phase in general. but, i'm trying to get back into it.

well, this will be dedicated to SnugsTheBean since she wanted me to update it, so i did for here.

hope you enjoyed this crappy chapter.


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