The Other Violinist

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Sandra woke up early that Sunday morning. Even asleep, her unconscious mind knew she wasn't home and made her feel wide awake long before the hour she usually woke up on Sundays. That was the only day of the week she could sleep as long as she wanted, so she tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. Rosalie's room was too strange for her to feel comfortable. 

She had no problem with Williams, but when it came to his little sister, things were different. She had known the girl since she was born and didn't feel it was right for someone like her, who liked women, to sleep in a little girl's room, even if she considered her a part of her family. 

William was still asleep when she woke up, so she had to poke him awake and ask him to open the building’s door for her. She wanted to go back home and work on her homework a little before going to the convention. Well, it wasn't as if she really wanted to do homework, but Sandy knew she would be away all day and come home too tired to focus. After all the trouble she had gone through to get into that school, she didn't want to fail her exams and be left out. The idea of going to a regular school, with people who had no interest in learning made her sick. She had always loved to read and write and learn how things worked. 

After finishing her homework, Sandy left for the convention, thinking about the nightmare that had been the night before. She sighed as she showed her staff pass to the girl at the entrance and wished she had stayed home the previous night. That way at least she would have gotten some sleep and wouldn’t be so tired. The very idea of spending the whole day at the convention was exhausting.

Sandy sighed and decided to make the best out of her situation. She had listened to Cindy’s suggestion and planned to take a look around the stands before showing up at her band’s. She had even brought some money with her in case there was something nice she wanted to buy. An example of that would have been an anime poster. Three of the four walls in her room were completely covered in posters; the other wall had a huge window that made it impossible to decorate.

She walked around looking at the stands. There were all kinds of posters, t-shirts, model kits and manga for sale, but she didn’t feel too enthusiastic. There also were some people wearing costumes, but Sandy didn’t feel the need to get her picture taken with them anymore. In fact, she had stopped watching anime and reading manga a while ago, and found all that fandom rather annoying.

As she looked at the merchandising in a t-shirt stand, a couple of  twenty-year-old perverts tried to pick her up with unflattering comments about her breasts and what they’d like to do to them, but she just ignored them. She got that kind of dirty comments all the time whenever she went out of her house and was used to the unwanted attention.

It wasn’t as if she were a perfect model. She was too short for that and had always walked with an unattractive slouch but, in her country, it was common for men to yell lecherous comments at women who were at least a bit pretty. Most of them ignored them but some replied insulting the men back.

Sandy had a different approach to the problem. She kept a switchblade in her backpack and whenever she felt insulted enough, she’d take it out and threaten to castrate the agressor. That had proven to be really helpful a couple of times.

It all started after she bought said blade. She had taken it to school to show it to her friend Selena and decided to take it out in the bus she was taking to go to her gym class, after a man who was standing next to where she was sitting decided to rest his male parts on her shoulder.

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