chapter one

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Hey guys, its katie, i just kinda wanted to write this down somewhere sooooo anyways, here it goes.



I was walking past the unit, for about the fifth time that day. There he was, just sitting there curled in on himslef in the rocking chair, rocking himself back and forth, while all the other kids were either learning or drawing. They think he's some sort of idiot, i bet if they actually talked to him, they'd see just how clever he was.

His name is Liam, and he has severe autism, but that doesnt matter to me, hes still human, and hes still breath-takingly beautiful in my eyes. With his ginger (almost orange) curly hair, his mesmerising blue eyes and his mind-blowingly gorgeous smile. I've had the privelage of seeing that smile only once, and it was directed to me.

My name is Jason  Maleney, I'm 17, so is Liam. I have brown  hair, thats usually swept to the side and grey eyes. My best friends names are Gavin (who is also my twin  brother), and Zach, them and my Dad are the only ones who know i like Liam, and they are completely supportive of me. They say that they  'ship' us, whatever that means. They are both drop dead gorgeous, and all the girls want them, but tough for them 'cuz theyre going out. 

I snap out of my thoughts to see that Liam is looking up at me through the window, his hands still wrapped around himself. I lift my hand and wave at him, my face already starting to heat up. Just as he's about to lift his hand , I hear sniggering behind me, and turn around to see the school jocks, Alex, Jack, Rian and Leo.

"What are you doing talking to him Jason? He's just a freak, you're way out of his league babe, he doesnt he even go to classes, he's so stupid. " Leo (the leader of the group) said and took a group closer to me.

"Oh go fuck yourself Leo, he's smarter, and a better person than you' ll ever be, just go find some slut and talk to her, 'cuz i sure as hell havent got time for you!" I spat back at him.

"Fine , just stay with the retard then!" That's when i snapped. I walked right up to him and punched him in the face. He groaned and grabbed his cheek, his friends all ganging around to get a look, then he went running off to tell the principal. That's why I'm currently sitting outside the school waiting for my Dad to come pick me up. Mr. Irwin said that because this is only my first time to do something like this, he's only going to send me home for the rest of the day. I don't really mind though, it means that i dont have to put up with Leo for the rest of the day.

Just then my Dad's car pulled up. I walked over and opened the door, hooping in and kissing him  on the cheek, my Dad and i were really close, whereas Gavin and my Mum were like best friends.

"So what happened Jay?" My dad asked , driving out of the school car park and onto the main road.

"I punched a stupid jock because he called someone a retard." I said , my fists clenching just at the memory.

"Who did he call such a foul name?"


"Is this the same Liam that you've been infatuated with for the last five years?" Yes my Dad knew, I tell him everything. 

"Yeah  Dad, the very one."

"Well you don't listen to what anyone says about him sweetie, from what you've told me, the boy sounds very intelleget, he jsut needs people to let him show them that, and you could help him sweetie, have you even tried to get to know him?"

"Thats impossible Dad, they never let him out of the unit."

"You do know your Mum is friends with his Mum right? I mean they were practically sisters when we started dating!"

"Are you serious?!?! Why didn't anyone tell me this, oh my god!" This just shows how much attention I pay to people...

"You know Mrs. Moran honey, she comes to our house every Saturday for lunch." Oh yeah, I do know her. 

Wait, it's Saturday tomorrow! Oh my God maybe I'll ask Mum to tell her to bring Liam with her. Oh my God, im going to talk to him!

We pulled up to my house and I hopped out and ran straight to the den, where i knew my Mum would be.

"Mama, is Mrs. Moran coming tomorrow?" I asked, sitting down next to her.

"Well it is Saturday, so I'd say so, why?" Mum asked, putting her book down and looking at me.

"Could you ask her to bring Liam with her?" I asked hopefully.

"I don't know if he will, but i can ask her honey."

"Thank you so much Mama, i love you!" I gave her a quick hug and got up to leave.

"Hey , why are you home from school Mister?" I turned back around to look at her.

"I punched a guy in the face for calling Liam a retard." i said , playing with the sleeve of my hoodie.

"Well I'm proud of you for sticking up for him dear, but try not to use violence often, okay?"

"Okay Mum!" And i was out the door and running upstairs to my room.

I'm going to talk to him tomorrow. After five years of watching from affar, im finally going to talk to Liam, and possibly get to know him. Oh my God i cannot wait.







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