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A/N: Hey, I just remembered that Lady Tsunade and them fought Orochimaru and Kabuto. So let's just say Itachi killed the two right after that fight would have happened...

~Reader's p.o.v~

Orochimaru was coming at me with a syringe and surgical scalpel. He had on that sick grin of his while his fuck buddy Kabuto injected some kind of liquid in my arm. He then started to talk about how he was going to take my child and kill me once he had it. He said that he would use my body til my child was old enough, he would finally have the sharingan. He brought the scalpel to my stomach and started to cut, I started to scream and the world around me became blurry. "(y/n)" Orochimaru spoke, but it sounded more like Itachi... "(y/n)" I heard again. I open my eyes to see Itachi hovering over me, with a worried look and his hands on my shoulder. "Are you alright?" Itachi asked. I nodded my head.

"Just a bad dream..." I said. Itachi rolled to the side and wrapped his arm around me, kissing the top of my head.

"What was it about?" Itachi asked. I looked over at him.

"Orochimaru and Kabuto..." I answered, Itachi had worry cross his features.

"Baby..." He whispered out as he cupped my face. "You are safe now, those two will never harm you or our child." He added. I nodded my head with tears in my eyes, stupid hormones.

"I know, it just...they wanted to take our baby." I whispered making Itachi pull me closer, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"Nobody will ever take our child from us, I'll protect them...I'll protect both of you, always." Itachi spoke. I nodded my head.

"I know, I love you Ita." I spoke before giving him a kiss on the lips.

"I love you to baby." Itachi spoke after we pulled away. I gave him a smile and he gave me a kiss on my forehead. "Let's go back to bed, it's the middle of the night." Itachi spoke. I nod my head and cuddle into Itachi and fall into a peaceful sleep.

I woke up once again, but this time from the need to pee. The problem with that is, my lovely husband won't let me go. "Itachi, I will pee on you if you don't let me go. I know you can hear me...I can see you smiling." I spoke, which just made him smile more. "You got like two seconds before I stop trying to hold it." I added, he finally let go and I ran/waddled to the bathroom as fast as I can.  I let out a relived sigh as I made it to the bathroom. I hear Itachi let out a chuckle from our bedroom, I soon hear him get up from the bed and come towards the bathroom door. It soon slid open and he went to the sink. "You really couldn't wait for me to be done? You had to brush your teeth now?" I sweat dropped. He just gave me a smirk. "What is it, make fun of your pregnant wife day or something?" I asked as I finished putting my pants on.

"I would never make fun of you love, I will however tease you. You're just so cute with that round belly of yours, and the waddle is just too cute." Itachi spoke. My face went red from embarrassment and anger. I slowly walked up to him.

"Itachi, that is the most stupid thing you have ever said." I spoke before slapping the back of his head and walking back to our room to get my clothes.

"Itachi, do you have any meetings today?" I question him while I'm changing in another room.

"No, I am a free man today. No meeting, no paper work and no missions." Itachi spoke.

"Is that why you are so happy this morning? You get to spend all day with your oh so wonderful wife?" I questioned as I walked into the living room, sitting next to Itachi.

"That, and I talked to Lady Tsunade yesterday. She said she will be able to see you today for a check up." Itachi spoke. I raised an eyebrow.

"So your excited for my check up?" I asked. Itachi nodded his head.

"Yes, I love hearing the little one's heart beat." Itachi spoke, pulling me into his side.

"Awe, Ita..." I cooed at him before kissing his cheek. "That's so cute." I finished, causing him to blush.

~Time Skip~

We are at the hospital, and it time for the ultrasound which mean heart beat time. As the doctor moved the thing around we heard a heart beat, and then we heard another one. Itachi and I looked at him confused. We then look at the screen where it shows the fetus, there were two round baby shapes instead of one. "Why is there two of them...all the other times there was just one." I asked, feeling nervous about having to push two of them out...

"Well, Mrs. Uchiha..sometimes the fetuses are lined up in a way we can only see one, this is fairly new equipment." He spoke.

"So, we are going to have two once..." Itachi spoke, still in shock.

"Yes, would you two like to know the seems your children are ready to be known, all the other times they are just not at the right angle." The doctor spoke. These children are going to drive me crazy I can feel it. They hid each other for for nearly 8 months, and the doctor could never tell if there was a girl or boy.

"Yes, we want to know." Itachi and I spoke at the same time. The doctor gave us a smile.

"Well, it looks like you are going to have one boy and one girl." The doctor spoke, Itachi and I were happy. We are being blessed with not only one child, but two. And I get a boy like I wanted and Itachi get a girl like he wanted.


A/N: I know this is short, but it's all I got. I'll try to make the next update better and longer.

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