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A/N: I know that it seems that they are to young to be married and acting as they did last chapter, even though no one has commented about it I can't help but feel some of you do think that they are to young. I would like to say that Itachi and (y/n) are very mature for their age and they really do love each other, it's not like puppy love or anything of that sort. Plus, no matter how young, they are married and anything romantically going on would be 100% alright. With out any further a due, here is this weeks chapter : )

~Itachi's p.o.v~

It's been a few weeks since (y/n)'s and I had a day off. I asked Lord Third if (y/n) and I could have a day off some time soon, I can see how exhausted she is. We often go on our missions together, since our team work is well...the best, when given another partner we get the job done...but it's just not the same. We both just know each other so well that we know what the other will do before they do it. Anyway, back to (y/n)...she comes home from a mission and cooks us a fully cooked home meal, cleans our dusty home and then heads to bed. I try to help but she just tells me no, I have to read up on the clan stuff or that I need to rest. Last time I tried to ignore her and help anyway, she hit me then threatened me..she also told me that she would feel like a bad wife if she didn't do these things. She also feels awful when she is on a mission, I'm at home waiting to go on mine, and she is not there to cook me my food. I told her she is the best wife a man could have, I told her she still would be even if we had take-out every night and our house was filthy. She asked why, I told her because she loves me and would do anything for me as I would her. She then shed happy tears, hug and kissed me. But even after that whole conversation she still refuses to let me help, so I told her she could go back to being a jonin so she has more free time. She says she wants to stay with me and that I better not go to being a jonin just for her...but once I become clan leader I will be out of the Anbu and hopefully she will be too. I also talked to the Hokage about us stepping down and he said he understood, that once we were ready to go back to being a jonin we could. And let me tell you something, that lifted a big weight of my chest. Knowing she wouldn't be stuck their just because she joined to be with me. I joined because of my father and to protect Sasuke.

Now you may be thinking if (y/n) and I have missions together all the time, where is she now? Well I will tell you where she is, she is at our home cooking a wonderful meal like she always does. I hope to come home to surprise her with a day off tomorrow, the only thing I'm waiting on is a 'yes' or 'no' from the Hokage. "Itachi, I grant both you and you're lovely hard working wife a well deserved day-off." The moment the Hokage said that I smiled and thanked him, I then left and walked to a flower shop that was thankfully still open at this late hour. I then bought my wife her favorite flowers and made my way back home. When I got there I saw that the lights were off, which I found was odd. I open the door to find it locked, as we left it. I also couldn't sense a fresh chakra signature, I started to get worried. I drop the flowers and started shouting her name and running to every room, only to see that they were untouched. I back track the route (y/n) would have taken back from the market, I see the groceries for tonight's dinner spread out like they were dropped. I also saw some blood, which got me even more worried then I already was. Someone had taken my wife, and there was a million reasons why the did. I tried to calm down a little as I ran to the Hokage's office, only to see that he had left long ago. I go to his home and knock on the door, he answers the door in his pajamas and a sleep filled face. With squinted eye he takes in my panicked and worried state. "Itachi, what happened? Is everything alright?" He asked. I shook my head with tears in my eyes.

"(y/n), she wasn't at home. So I went to check the market..I saw the groceries for tonight's dinner scattered on the floor and it looks like there was a struggle. I have come here to notify you that I believe that she was taken and I don't know why. I also wanted you to know that I'm going after her right now and nothing you say or do can stop me." I spoke in one breath, I didn't give the Hokage but a few seconds to take in what I told him before running back to the scene. I heard the Hokage shout my name but I, for the first time, ignored him. I kept running and soon find myself were I needed to be. I then searched the surroundings with my sharingan, then I spotted it. A heavy foot indent on a tree branch, looks like with the added weight of my wife, the culprit found it a little hard to keep his footsteps light enough to not leave marks on the branches. I then took off, following the tracks that hopefully lead to my wife.

After hours of tracking, I lost the tracks. So I tried to see if I could feel her chakra, I closed my eyes and focused on her. After a long while I was ready to give up, I felt it...I felt her chakra spike toward the west, even if it was faint, it was still there. I assume she has woke from the slumber the put her into. I just don't get how they did get her, she is so strong...I guess I just forget that she is human, she has faults no matter how perfect I think she is. I follow her chakra, after a few hours I hear her yelling those curse words she loves. I also smile. "You fucking cowered! Come with a whole group just to take one person! Just wait til my husband gets here, he is going to kick your fucking ass. You're just lucky you got me, I bet you didn't even cover your tracks you dumb ass! Why take me anyway?" (y/n) spoke, not worried at all. I wanted to know this as well, so I waited and came up with a plan to get her out safely. The kidnapper looked pissed with each insult she through at him.

"Why are you here? You killed my brother, my big brother!" He shouted and rammed the back of his hand into (y/n) cheek. She didn't even flinch, I however wanted to kill him.

"Listen, I'm sorry about you're brother. But if I killed him, it was on a mission and there was a good chance he was trying to kill me too. So just let me go and I might let you live." (y/n) spoke calmly. He hit her again, she still didn't falter.  

"I told you. I'm going to kill you like you..killed my brother!" The guy shouted as he hit her once more, he hit her so hard that the chair (as well as (y/n)) fell to the floor on their sides. (y/n) just laughed.

"You hit like a small child. You act like one too, shinobi die on the job all the time. You're not the only one who lost someone close to them. I don't like killing, but if it is to protect the people I love..I will. You have lost you're chance to live. From what you were talking about earlier and what you said just now, you are a threat to my village. Plus my husband has seen you hit me...three times, he's not happy." (y/n) spoke. I took that as my cue (signal) to take him out, so that's what I did. After he was taken care of I got (y/n) free form her restraints and grabbed her into a hug.

"I was so worried. You could have been dead, I didn't know what happened to you. I didn't know why someone had taken you. Are you ok? Are you hurt?" I asked as I put her at arms length and looked at her. My eyes eventually went to the large bruise that she sported on her cheek. I touched it lightly and she let out a hiss of pain.

"Damn prick, kept hitting me in the same spot. I'm fine though Itachi, I promise." (y/n) spoke and she did hand-signs. Her hand had the dim green chakra around it, she put it to her cheek and it healed right up. I rubbed my thumb over her, now, not bruised cheek and gave her a smile.

"I'm so glad that I found you and that you are safe." I whispered as I brought my lips closer to hers, I saw her look at my lips before looking back into my eyes.

"I knew you would find me. We can always find each other, no matter how far we must go." (y/n) spoke before closing that space and kissing me. It was short but sweet.

"Well let's head back, I'll send a bird to the Hokage and update him. I just want to get you home." I spoke, picking her up and making her let out a surprised squeal. She wrapped her arms around my neck and buried her face into my chest.

"Ita, you don't have to carry me." (y/n) spoke as she looked up at me with those beautiful (e/c) orbs of hers. I gave he a small kiss on her nose and a smirk.

"I know, I just love when you're in my arms." I told her. She blushed red and buried her face into my chest once more. Her actions caused me to chuckle.

"I love you." I heard (y/n) mutter into my chest. My heart speed up and my cheeks turned red knowing she could hear it.

"I love you too babe, I love you so much." I spoke, I felt her snuggle into my chest more. Her soft snoring let me knew she was asleep. I walked back to the village, with my wife sleeping safely in my arms. And I couldn't help but smile.

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