Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys, this is my first fanfiction, so I hope you like it! I don't really have any thing else to say except enjoy. And with no further ado, I give you chapter 1 of The Mortal Instruments - High School.

Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own any of the Mortal Instruments characters, Cassandra Clare does. Also any resemblance to other fanfics is purely coincidental.

Clary PoV:

I was woken up by my alarm clock beeping incessantly at me. I rolled over, groaning, and slapped the off button. Once I finally managed to convince myself to get out of bed, I jumped into the shower, moving as quickly as I could. Wrapped in a towel I went back to my bedroom, determined to find some semblance of a good outfit amid the boxes.

I began the search for something cute, coming up with a decent outfit within about 5 minutes of searching. I donned my ripped skinny jeans, lacy green tank top, and black converse. I began slowly making my way to the kitchen.

The moment I walked in, my eyes were assaulted by the sight of my brother eating a bowl of cereal in nothing but a towel.

"Oh hey Clary," he said, finally noticing me. "Like my new look? It's all the rage on campus these days."

Before I could reply, our mother walked in. Her quick eyes took in the scene before her, pausing for a moment on Jonathan, standing in our kitchen, practically naked. Judging by the look on her face, she hadn't known he was coming home. "Go put on some clothes, and then get your butt back down here and explain what the hell you're doing home," commanded my mother, before Jon had even opened his mouth.

None of us had moved an inch before Luke entered, obviously wondering what all the commotion was about. For a moment we all just stared at each other, and then Luke asked what we were all wondering, "Jonathan? How did you get in here?"

"There was a key under the mat. The water got shut off in our dorm and I desperately needed a shower. I figured you guys wouldn't mind, and I knew I had some clean clothes here," He replied.

"Well as much as I hate to break up the reunion, I'm starting a new school today, and I sort of require sustenance." I said, trying to alleviate some of the tension from the room.

Everyone started moving at once, and I ended up with a couple of elbows to the ribs and a lot of sorry's muttered under our breaths. I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet along with a spoon, and poured myself some cereal. I ate quickly, not wanting to be late for my appointment to get my locker and class schedule.

As soon as I was done, I rushed up stairs and brushed my teeth and hair, attempting to tame my wild copper hair, and failing magnificently. Eventually I gave up, deciding to just pull it into a high ponytail. Looking at the clock I realized that I was going to be late if I didn't leave within the next five minutes. I rushed back to my room, grabbing my bag from it's place by my desk. I gave everyone a kiss on the cheek on my way to the door receiving a 'good luck' after each. I got into my red Camaro and began making my way to Ilvermorn High.

A/N: Ok so that's it for the first chapter. I hope you liked it and feel free to leave suggestions in the comments.

Thanks for reading!

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