Red Army Commander

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A trail is already plowed out and outlined in stone. My flat shoes make soft sounds against it and though this may seem enjoyable to other people who like taking strolls, this isn't my ideal environment. No matter how close the castle may seem, it is like it is unreachable.

Breaking out of the bushes at my right, a man in a red uniform bustles out.

"What the fuck?!" I yell before tripping backward. I'm caught by the waist.

"Phew, that's a surprise!" he remarks. "Who knew girls could talk like that?"

"What kind of creep jumps out from the bushes?" I bark. "You wanna give me a stroke?!"

"Hahaha, that would be too troublesome," he laughs. I check out his uniform. Red hearts are outlined on his coat.

"Did you come from the Castle of Hearts?" I ask.

"Yea, how'd you know?" he inquires.

I sigh, "Dummy, your outfit." I gesture in annoyance.

He chuckles, "You're a bold one. Are you trying to get to the Castle?"

"Who wants to know?" I say, suspicious.

"The Ace of Hearts, Commander of the Red Army," he salutes me.

How convenient for me, I think to myself. No use wandering around like a fool.

"Evelyn Greenwood," I outstretch my hand.

He stares at it curiously. I keep it out there while he continues to stare.

"You want to shake it or what? My arm is getting tired," I complain.

"Why would I shake it?" he asks.

"'s polite?" I say, confusing even myself.

"How strange," he murmurs before taking my hand. I give it a good shake, startling him.

"Do you know where the castle is?" I ask. "I keep walking but I don't get anywhere."

"Oh, yeah! I just got back from the Clock Tower, I'm going back now! I'll take you on the way!" he offers enthusiastically.

"Thanks," I sigh in relief.

"No problem!" he beams. "No wonder you were so crabby! Wandering around for hours can be exhausting!"

"Not really," I smile at his optimism. "I'm a jerk on a regular basis."

Evelyn in the Country of HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now