The Queen

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"What is the meaning of this, Ace?" the Queen demands.

I'm standing in the center of the court, with the King and Queen as the judge.

"She wanted to see you, so I thought it was okay," Ace beams innocently.

She shakes her head exhaustedly. "If you didn't fight the way you do, I'd have your head," she exhales.

"Thanks!" Ace gives her a thumbs up.

"Fool," the Queen sniffed. "And you," she addresses me, her black curls bouncing violently alonger her angular face. "What business do you have with me?"

"I want to know if there is a way out of Wonderland without taking Alice...your majesty," I request.

"You?" she laughs. "From the beginning there was no way to leave without her. However, I don't know every rule there is to this game. There must be a book about it in the royal library."

"Is it possible for me to look for this book?"

The Queen smile unsympathetically. She leans forward in her seat slightly, "My dear, everyone in this world is required to love Alice. We are not required to love you. She has a purpose here, and you don't."

Irked by her condescending tone, I also lean forward in my stance and smile wickedly, "I wonder what it is with you people and likeing someone." I narrow my eyes, unable to uncontrol my emotions, "If you haven't noticed, I'm not required to like you people either. I want out, so let me leave already."

"This is a game. No one is an exception," the King adds in.

"Your tone is a bit oppressive, woman," the Queen notes. "It is in your favor that I support those with a strong sense of will."

"I wouldn't call it will. I'd say it's a short temper...your majesty."

She smiles tightly, "I could have your head for correcting me in front of everyone like that."

"I'm not trying to appeal to you. I want out. That's it."

"If I refuse you permission to search my library, what will you do? What if I said I'd only give you permission if you got on your knees and begged me?"

"Queen," the King warns. "Let's not toy with the subject."

Annoyed, the Queen sighed. "Fine. My final answer is no," the Queen finishes, stepping down from her pedestal.

Pissed, I yelled after her, "I'm going to keep coming back until you say yes!"

The Queen turned around in surprise. She stared at me for a moment before saying, "Your efforts are futile. Excuse me." She curtsies and leaves the courtroom.

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