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Niall's P.O.V

''Did you ever play video games?!!!'' I ask laughing at one of my best friends, Louis.

''Yeah, did you?!!!'' He asked.

''What do you mean?I know how to play!'' I said.

''Sure...'' He replied, rolling his eyes.

''Really!'' I said, pressing a button that made Louis' player die and I won again.

''Just to prove it to you, I beated you...for the 25th time!'' I said, proudly.

''Yeah, well it's your fault you don't get bored.'' He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

''Whatever...'' I said, knowing there's no way I'll ever win a war against Louis...

''Well it's getting late, I'll have to leave.'' Louis said, getting up.

''Wow, this room it's really dirty!'' He said looking around.

''You've only said this 32 times, but it's ok...'' I said.

''Yeah well I'll leave!...Again!...Bye!'' He said, making his way out.

''But why are you leaving?'' I asked.

''Well, I, personally, want to do my homework.'' He said.

''Well ok...See you tommorrow!'' I said.

I let him go down the stairs by himself, but them I thought it would be rude to let a visitor walk out by himself, so I decided to walk him down.

After that, I walked back into my room, crushed on the couch in front of my big TV and resumed my game.

I played and played until I felt my eyes go heavy and I felt asleep right there, on the couch, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GAME!!!

But I was too tired to realise it...

Madison's P.O.V

''Mom why did we have to change schools?!!! I loved my friends! They were like a second family! I just don't want to go to a high school where I'm like a stranger and everyone's a stranger to me! I hate that high school and I never want to go to it!'' I said...more liked yelled.

I seriously didn't like the idea of moving to a new high school because I hate being ''the new girl'' and I didn't want to be watched as the ''freak'' and I just didn't want rumors about me because that's what kids do when there's someone new in school...I know that's how they do...

And back at my high school, I was a bit popular , I had lots of friends, but I wasn't the most popular or ''one of the most popular girls''...I was just...me...

But since everyone liked the real me there, means that they should do the same here...So my secret was just being myself and everything would work.

But it could also be that ''let's all be alike'' thingy that if just one person liked the real me, then the whole high school would...But now...I just guess-and more like hope, that everyone will like me here, because when your parents decide to do something, it's hard to change their minds.

''Well are you going to give me a reply today?'' I asked.

''What do you mean? I already did!'' Mom said.

''Well I didn't hear it!'' I said. How can she say she said...um...

''I said that you didn't learn anything at the other high school and that the teachers were missing most of the lessons and we just wanted our little girl to have a bright future!'' She said.

Little Games (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now