Chapter 4

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The new morning when I woke up Cinna was at my side with his group of stylists. They were looking at me eagerly and it was setting me on edge. Cinna reassured me that everything was fine but the Game Makers have decided to switch a few things up. Instead of having the interview of the 3rd day it was moved to the second day. This should be interesting.

I rose willingly from the bed and moved to the shower where a few female stylists helped me scrub my body down with some rock textured body scrub that smelled like spring time in the meadow of District 12. After the exfoliation of my skin I was dried off by their body drier and then wrapped up in a robe before I was sat down in a chair.

I winced as a few stray eyebrow hairs were pucked and my body was rewaxed. Why oh why were females given hair in places they didn't need it. I mean come on human species why do females grow armpit and leg hairs when we are just going to get rid of it later. What is the use of it?

"I know it gets frustrating but if you ever get into work in the Capitol you will be at a high enough rank to recieve the NH Pills. Every female in the Capitol and District 1 and 2 take them so they don't grow hairs in those areas." One of the females said.

Ace came over and began talking about what he wanted down with my make up. The make up artists put a bit of blush on my cheek bones to give me some definition in my face and added a neutral shade to my lips before they pulled my hair back in a simple bun with a few loose strands.

Once they were done with my face and hair they did my nails, painting them all red. Finally came time for the dress. It was a dress of long feathers that were light to the touch, softer even then silk. The feathers were colored and placed in all the right places to simulate flames from a fire. Cinna helped me into the dress before it was time for the shoes. They were simple black heels but the heel itself was made from large pearls.

I spun slowly in place infront of a three point mirror and smiled. A tear gently slipped from my eye but I caught it with my finger and wiped it away. Turning quickly I hugged Cinna.

"Thank you so much, you are the greatest."

He nodded his head and smiled. "Don't thank me thank my son." He said before he turned me towards the door that had just opened.

Ace stood in his steps staring right at me before he smiled and walked forward. "I see you bring out the best of the dress. I made it special just for you when I heard you were chosen for the Quarter Quell. I had three designs a sewing team of 6 and 2 days to get it done." He walked round me checking to make sure the measurements were perfect and smiled. "You are probably wondering why I took to this perticular design aren't you?" He asked me.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror trying to put two and two together with the feathers and the flames and couldn't get anything. "Yes certainly."

"You see legend has it that after the destruction of District 13 before the Hunger Games came to be from the District's ashes came forth a bird. This bird was a MockingJay that had died but was reborn into a fire bird that we all call a Pheonix. Since then the Phoenix has been link to rebirth and second chances. More so it is connected to symbolize ever lasting life. I have seen the tapes from your parents times in the Arena and then saw yours as well and thought that it would fit your perfectly for you to be the Phoenix."

I listened carefully as he spoke of the meaning behind the dress and smiled as he finished. He dressed me to symbolize rebirth. "This is definitely beautiful."

"The dress is only a dress until it is worn by its owner. Now the dress is a masterpiece as it lays upon your skin." He finished in his mellow tone.

He was just like his father from the way he designed things to his train of through and even the way he put together his words and let them roll elegantly from his toungue.

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