Regular Kids

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In the busy city of Metropolis, young Clark Kent looked out of his apartment window. He hadn't used his powers since the law of superheroes had been declared. The law states that saving the world is now illegal and any superhero caught saving the day would be banned from Metropolis forever. Clark tried to open his window, but his parents had locked it to prevent him from sneaking out. He had tried to entertain himself but it was no use. His TV wouldn't work, he didn't have any friends, and he was banned from using his powers. If he even flies a few inches from the ground, the government wouldn't hesitate to have the death penalty put on him. He walked from his room to the living room, and snuck out the door. He was tired of not having freedom because of him being different. So he was going to break the rules. He slid out of the door and looked up. The fresh air was so riveting, he didn't want to go back inside. He kneeled down. And took off. He was in the sky like a rocket. He felt more free than he had than ever. He flew in a straight direction, arms out like a bird. He flew for hours, and didn't care if his parents knew he was gone. He almost went to sleep in midair, when he heard sirens. The police were on his trail. "Shit, I can't outrun them! I can outfly them though," He said.

Way down in Gotham City was a young, but smart kid named Bruce Wayne. He, however, was very popular. He had two best friends. One, who always made jokes, and one who loved riddles. So Bruce decided to call them The Joker and The Riddler. They usually sat in Bruce's lab, creating amazing inventions. That's how Bruce became rich. But deep down, Bruce was nothing but angry.  When he was young, his parents were killed by Gotham mugger. Right in front of him. In real life, all he wanted was for that man to be killed. Joker and Riddler rang the doorbell and Bruce answered it. "Hey guys, ready to finish that video game?" But they just pushed past him. "Okay, not a fan of the video game," he said. "Dude, you know Clark Kent? He's flying through Metropolis!" Joker said. That got Bruce interested. He knew Clark had superpowers, but he hadn't used them for months. Bruce assumed he just couldn't keep it in. Riddler, who was a kind of chubby boy helped himself to some chicken wings from the fridge. Bruce himself used to dress in a ski mask and used his karate skills to fight criminals. Everybody thought he had superpowers, but he was just a kid who knew how to fight, and wanted to help. 

Barry Allen. He had a few things in common with Bruce, but also with Clark. He was 15, like Clark. His parents were killed, like Bruce. He was not popular. In fact, he only had one friend, Iris. There were the casual people that Barry would talk to, like Catlin Snow or Cisco Ramon. But they weren't as good as friends as Iris West, who Barry lived with. When his mom was killed, his dad was sent to jail because everyone thought he had killed her. Everyone except Barry. Officer Joe West, a police officer who helped on the case of Barry's mom, took him in to live with him. Iris was his daughter. She wasn't very pleased when Barry moved in. But she got used to him, and now they're best friends. Barry left after school with Iris to his track meeting. Iris sat down and Barry got in his running suit. Iris had always liked Barry and Barry liked Iris. But they were too shy to admit it. The coach shot his gun in the air and the runners took off. Barry, was in front of them of course. Barry had always been fast. But all he dreamt about was getting faster. He was tall for his age and had short brown hair. He always looked stressed for some reason. Most people thought it was from running. Other people thought it was because his mom was dead. But in real life, Barry stayed up all night trying to think up a way to get his father out of jail. But in real life, Barry should've just given up.  But the kids who Barry really liked, were Harrison Wells, Jay Garrick, and an oddly named brothers named Saviator and Alchemy. But everybody called them Sav and Al. They were kind of mean, but very acceptable towards Barry. And Barry loved his life.

Down in the deep blue sea, where nobody dared to go, lived Aquaman. He was very young so everybody called him Aqualad. Everybody, meaning seapeople. They were definetly never mermaids. Those never existed. They had feet and legs, they could just breath and see underwater. There they battled Sharks Swordfish, and evil seapeople. Only when away from view, would Aqualad sneak out of water and visit the city. Most of the time.he went To either Gotham, Metropolis, or Central City. But Aqualad was a very good boy, very good boy indeed. Only one day, would he live up to the full potential to be called Aquaman. But that was years away. Until then, Aqualad attended the school of Bigwater Academy. He was 15 years old and in his 5th year. He was only allowed to attend when he turned 11. He thought his life was amazing. But he had no idea on how he would ever face the challenges coming to meet him.

Hey guys, it's the writer here. This is one of my first books. So I'm really hoping you'll enjoy it. If you like it vote and comment about anything you don't like. Other characters Luke Wonder Woman and Cyborg will be showing up, but in the meantime, enjoy the story.

Oh, one more thing. I don't know the human names of these superheroes: Green Lantern, Cyborg, Hawkgirl, and Arrow. So if you know their alter ego names, it would be really helpful if you could comment and tell me. And tell me which hero you are talking about.

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