My Baby Brother's Story

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It's horrible how bullying starts so young.

My brother is two years old, and he can't talk, like the rest of the other kids at his age.. One time I took him to this playground, while my mother ran errands. This little boy came up to my brother, and HIT him in the face. My brother, being two, just stared at the kid. The boy started yelling at my brother, and when my brother couldn't reply, the kid made fun of him.

The kid called my brother "a dummy that can't talk". My brother couldn't say anything, he just ran over to me and cried. I picked my brother up, and went to tell the boy "that wasn't very nice", but I stopped.

I was wondering why the boy's parents weren;t doing anything, but it made sense after I saw the child's guardian. His mom and dad were ignoring him completely, and they were smoking.

I just left the park. I took my brother with me. He still can't talk, but he fusses whenever my mother leaves us at this playground.

It breaks my heart to think that he's only two, and already is bullied.

:'( Am I the only one that cried?  it hurt me to write this. 

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