Hot For Teacher

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Gerard has a problem: he has a monumental crush on his music teacher. The explicit fantasies he imagines in the middle of class are bad enough but Mr Iero does nothing to help his cause - everything about him screams attraction. It all reaches crisis-point when Gerard finds himself with some immediate physical difficulties, and he can only pray Mr Iero is as oblivious as he is good-looking.


"... And that's why the key signature is E flat major," Mr Iero explains, half-awakening Gerard from his beautiful nap in the middle of class, and then fully startling him when the music teacher adds on, "Gerard, what did I just say?"

Gerard's eyes desperately sweep the class, hoping someone will mouth the answer but nobody will look at him. Crap. His cheeks tinge pink. "Um... C-Crescendo?"

Mr Iero tuts in disappointment but Gerard can detect a playful smile. The teacher sits back on his chair at the front, casually swinging his feet up on his desk with one arm behind his head. He's wearing skinny jeans today because to hell with regulations - even in his mid-twenties, he's still somewhat of a punk, if even a bad excuse for one.

Mr Iero - Frank - doesn't tend to hand out punishments, especially not for trivial things such as not paying attention - especially not for Gerard Way. Gerard is oblivious to the special treatment he receives. The whole class are more than a little frustrated at this but don't stick their noses in, as long as they're not getting into trouble either. Besides, it's nearing graduation time and they couldn't care less.

"Better luck next time, Gee." Frank scolds. The class don't mind the nickname basis - it's been going on for too long now. Most people call Gerard 'Gee' at some point anyway. It's a name adopted from his brother Mikey.

It seems to suit Gerard better - it's small and cute like him, they always say. Despite Mikey is two years younger than him at sixteen, he acts more like the older brother and would do anything to protect Gerard. Gerard is clueless and naïve but a good person - he just doesn't want to open his eyes to the bad of the world.

"I understand nobody can really be bothered today," Frank drawls, spinning circles in his chair at this point because fucking God, he's so goddamn bored but he really loves this class and these students and he wants to do something productive for once, "but I've got something planned for the last bit of the lesson."

A series of groans from the students later, he's assuring them, "I know, I know. It's not like me at all to actually teach something - new, at least." Let's be honest, the only reason anyone takes Mr Iero's class is because they know they won't have to do anything or give a crap about it. "But trust me, okay? We're gonna make some..."

Gerard's totally not listening again, daydreaming about his comics and the paintings he's yet to finish at home and how Mr Iero looks kind of really goddamn cute today - well, he does every day. Gerard finds himself enticed by the older man, sneaking glances in discretion at his face, adorned with a hint of stubble and round, lazy eyes. His hair is getting long.

Gerard's eyes go to his teacher's neck, admiring the scorpion tattoo half-hidden by his collar. Technically, they don't allow tattoos that visible in his school but Mr Iero has a permanent I-don't-care thing going on. Gerard loves the man, really - not in any way other than he admires him, looks up to him, wants to be like him one day. (Perhaps not a music teacher but seemingly fearless and likeable by all.)

Diluted ☻ FRERARD ONE-SHOTSOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora