Supermassive Blackhole

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Gerard is a moon drifting aimlessly through space, hoping to avoid a supernova-sized disaster - until he meets Frank, and it kind of becomes inevitable.


An incomprehensible number of years into the future when galaxies are scattered and overrun by dark matter, Gerard is a small drifting moon banished from his system after his planet catches him red-handed in another orbit.

The sun shines bright across the blackness of space on that fateful day (we're pretending there are days in space), and Gerard's planet, Pete Wentz, is awoken outraged when he fails to feel the familiar crater-ridden celestial object in his gravitational pull. Instead, Gerard had been accidentally drawn away into other pull, and now innocently orbits a larger planet passing by - one called Ray Toro.

"S'up," says Ray, "sorry I stole your thing. You said your name was Gerard? Um, are you a moon?" He directs the questions at Gerard.

"What else would I be?" Gerard guffaws.

"Moons don't usually have names like Gerard." Ray points out. Truthfully, most solid masses in space are given weird names with numbers like 420blazeit.

Gerard is about to retort that planets shouldn't typically have names like Ray but decides to keep his mouth shut because Ray isn't such an odd name, really - it's like a ray of sun, or a gamma ray. "Well, that's what I am - a moon." He catches Pete's narrowed eyes only to quickly look away in shame. "I'm sorry. I'm only small, you know? I can't control who or what I orbit if I don't even have my own gravitational pull!"

That's all Gerard's ever wanted - to be in control of himself, to have at least a sliver of self-gravity so he's not dragged around everywhere.

"You'll fall into the orbit of the nearest planet anytime you can get away with it!" Pete argues, not buying into Gerard's innocent act. He refuses to hear anymore excuses and instead calls over his friend from the closest meteor belt.

"Hey, Pat." Pete greets the small comet that happily falls into his gravitational pull. "I need you to do something for me - chase Gerard out of the system. He's been unfaithful to me and I want him gone." Pete sticks his nose up at Gerard whose eyes begin to water.


Patrick pulls out of Pete's orbit and shoots Gerard a sympathetic look along with a quick 'shush'. He gently floats over closer to the small moon, coaxing him away. "Sorry, Gee," says Patrick, "rules are rules. You better go - I don't wanna, like, bombard you or set you on fire by accident or anything." He chuckles nervously.

"It's so unfair." Gerard whines softly so nobody else will hear. Patrick hums in agreement but he's only a tiny comet bouncing around the galaxy without a permanent home - he's not in charge here or anywhere else, and Pete would get mad if he didn't fulfil his niche of shooing away the trash.

"See you around, man." Ray casually bids farewell to Gerard, who all of a sudden holds a hatred and contempt for the big planet who caused this whole mess and won't even apologise for it. Ray lowers his magnetic field to allow Gerard to fully escape his orbit and gradually float away into the emptiness of unexplored deep space.

Soon lost in an almost starless sky, far from any civilisation, stuck in the far reaches between galaxies, Gerard becomes lonely. He's never had to live in such isolation before - even before he came across Pete, he drifted between planets, and before that he can't remember. It's so dark that his features aren't illuminated - something could crash into him since he may as well invisible, and most things tend to be bigger than him, which doesn't sound like a happy ending.

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