Chapter 40 Part 2/3

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I slipped past the hyenas without them noticing. Timon's voice carried as he sang some ridiculous song to draw them away. My paws were silent as I approached the slope. I'd glimpsed Scar down by the hyenas and knew he wouldn't be in here.

But the lionesses would be.

Stepping in the mouth of the cave, I stood silhouetted at the entrance. As my eyes adjusted to the dimness, I saw Sarafina rushing towards me. She embraced me tightly and I felt comforted by her familiar scent.

"Nala, you came home..." Sarafina murmured, but then she became angry. "What are you thinking?! Scar will kill you?"

Tama and Kula came to my side and their purrs sounded like music to my ears. Soon the entire Pride was at my side, Saran, Dwala, all of them welcomed me home. I rubbed my head with theirs and then turned to Sarafina. "I brought help...Simba's alive."

Their surprised stares left them silent and I waited for the news to sink in. "We have to hurry. This place is about to become a battlefield and we have to fight."

"Nala, we can't fight," Sarafina sighed, "There's too many hyenas. We won't survive."

I stared my mother in the eye. She had to see my determination, she had to know my confidence. "Yes, we will." As I looked around, I realized that Zira, Ramla, Issa, Nadra, Katura, and Afra were all well as Vitani. "Where's my daughter?" I directed the question at Sarafina.

"She's with Zira and Issa." Sarafina answered. "They're with Scar."

"Where's Sarabi?" I realized that the former Queen was also absent.

Sarafina's eyes became sad. "She's been summoned by Scar."

"Well, we have to hurry!" I started towards the cave mouth. "We can save her!"

The lionesses followed me and we stayed to the shadows. It was almost time, the time to fight. I glimpsed Simba racing towards a limp shape on the ground with Scar backing away. The hyenas surrounded him as he hurried to the side of the limp figure.


"Come on!" I growled.

I was the first to appear but Scar was too focused on Simba. Sarafina, Tama, and Kula were all at my side. Scar backed away, obviously spooked. "Mufasa? No. You're dead!" Scar sounded like he was trying to convince himself.

Sarabi weakly lifted her head, staring at Simba. "Mufasa?" He did look a lot like the late King.

Simba shook his head and leaned closer to his mother. "No. It's me."

Realization crossed on Sarabi's face. "Simba? You're alive?" Her excitement turned to confusion. "How can that be?"

"It doesn't matter; I'm home." I watched with great happiness as Simba reunited with his mother after so long. Sarabi deserved to have her son returned to her after years of missing him. She never gave up on him.

Scar spoke up again, and my attention returned to him. "Simba...?" A sly grin pulled at his lips and his fangs glinted in the moonlight. "Simba! I'm a little surprised to see you," He glared at the hyenas, "Alive..."

Simba started towards Scar, his lips peeled back to reveal his fangs. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you apart."

Scar started to back away until he couldn't no more. "Oh, Simba, you must understand. The pressures of ruling a kingdom-"

"-Are no longer yours!" Simba snapped. "Step down, Scar." That's when I noticed Zira, Ramla, and Scar's other supporters appear. Zira cast me a dirty glare.

"Oh, oh, ye-" Scar gulped, and while he was distracted, I went to Sarabi's side. I helped her back onto her paws and she leaned on me. "Well, I would, heh, naturally, heh-however, there is one little problem. You see them?" He motioned up towards the horde of hyenas looking on. "They think I'M King."

I stepped forward, my head held high. The lionesses rallied behind me and I realized that they hung on my every word. They were looking to me for guidance. "Well, we don't. Simba is the rightful King!" Scar narrowed his eyes at me, but he couldn't make a move towards me without getting past Simba.

"The choice is yours, Scar." Simba sounded every bit the King he was born to be. "Either step down or fight."

"Oh, must it all end in violence?" Scar rambled on, trying to save his own skin. "I'd hate to be responsible for the death of a family member. Wouldn't you agree, Simba?" What was he talking about?

Simba stood taller, "That's not gonna work, Scar. I've put it behind me." But I saw the pain in his eyes. What was Scar holding over Simba's head?

"Eh, but what about your faithful subjects?" Scar glanced at me, a look of pure hate in his eyes. "Have they put it behind them?"

I frowned with confusion. "Simba, what is he talking about?"

Scar smirked, "Ahh, so you haven't told them your little secret. Well, Simba, now's your chance to tell them. Tell them who is responsible for Mufasa's death!"

All of our eyes turned to Simba. Scar couldn't be blaming Simba for Mufasa's death, could he? Simba would never have killed his own father...

Simba took a step forward, the pain in his eyes clear for all to see. "I am."

Sarabi left my side to stand in front of Simba. "It's not true," Sorrow dripped from every word, "Tell me it's not true."

Slowly, Simba nodded. "It's true."

I could only stare at Simba. H-He killed Mufasa? Is that why he didn't want to return? Is that why he ran away and left us to Scar's torment? Was Simba responsible for everything that's happened to me?!

"You see! He admits it!" Scar shouted, snapping at Simba. "Murderer!" Lightning split the sky and everyone jumped.

"No," Simba said desperately. "It was an accident!"

Scar circled Simba, his voice manipulative. "If it weren't for you, Mufasa would still be alive. It's your fault he's dead; do you deny it?"

"No," Simba hung his head.

"Then... you're... guilty!" Scar growled.

"No!" Simba's voice shook. His eyes met mine through the crowd. "I'm not a murderer."

Scar laughed and it echoed off of the rocks. "Oh, Simba, you're in trouble again." He advanced on Simba and I watched in horror as Simba got dangerously close to the edge of the ledge. "But this time, Daddy isn't here to save you. And now EVERYONE..KNOWS... WHY!"

With those last words, lighting struck the ground, igniting the dead grass beneath the ledge. Simba slipped backwards and I lunged forward. "Simba!" The hyenas blocked my path and I struggled against them.

Scar said something to Simba that the rest of us couldn't hear. He suddenly dug his claws into Simba's paws and Simba roared in pain. Scar leaned over to whisper something to Scar.

I don't know what Scar said to Simba, but something set him off. In the next moment, Simba somehow lunged forward and pinned Scar beneath him. "Nooo!" He looked wild with the wind blowing his mane in the wind and the fire reflecting in his amber eyes. "Murderer!"

"No, Simba, please," Scar begged like the coward he was.

"Tell them the truth." Simba's voice was icy cold, contrasting with the raging fire.

"Truth?" Scar widened his eyes. "But truth is in the eye of the behold-" He was cut off as Simba dug his claws against Scar's throat to choke him.

"All right! All right!" Scar gasped for breath. "I did it." His voice dripped with enough venom to kill a grown lion.

"So they can hear you," Simba growled.

Scar groaned and then shouted loud and clear: "I killed Mufasa!"

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now