Chapter 30

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Dawn came and pale sunlight cast itself upon the cave walls. The sunlight reflected in my eyes as I opened them, and for a moment, I was blinded. It's been a long time since the sun's been this bright. I lifted my head and gazed out the cave mouth at the view beyond Priderock.

Seeing how dead everything was, I wondered if it ended at our borders or if this drought extended beyond. If I left the Pridelands, would I die of starvation? Would I even make it to my first morning? I've never lived a solitary day and the thought scared me more than I would admit.

Beside me, Tama still slept soundly. She looked so peaceful and I wondered how she could sleep with all the evil that surrounded us. Scar had given her permission to leave the prisoner cave a moon ago, but she had wanted to stay with me. Her company kept me sane and I would be forever grateful.

My dear friend, I would miss her so much when it was time to leave. I'd miss her and Kula. When I faced exile, Sarafina would lose everything. She would have my cub around, but I was almost certain that Zira wouldn't let Sarafina within one tail-length of the cub. I hoped that my mother would live a long life in happiness which was wishful thinking. Every day the Pridelands grew worse. Only Scar's stubbornness kept us here.

Suddenly, a sharp pain rippled down my belly and I gasped in shock. It was gone for a moment, but then it returned, worse than the first time. My scream woke Tama and she was at my side in an instant. "Nala?!"

"I-I think it's the cub," I gasped as the pain took breath from my body. "Get Sarafina!"

Tama reluctantly left my side and I was alone with only the hyenas outside the cave for company. A moment later, Tama returned with Sarafina, Kula, and Sarabi. The pain was so bad that I was constantly screaming now. I was blinded by the pain.

"What do we do?" Kula asked, wide-eyed.

"Kula, go find a stick, something that she can bite down on. Tama, stand guard so that the hyenas don't bother us." Sarafina ordered.

As another ripple of pain wracked my body, I convulsed and screeched. Sarafina was at my side, comforting me. "Shh, you're going to be fine."

Kula returned from outside with a dead stick between her teeth. "Is this good?" She asked Sarafina who nodded. My red-brown friend laid it near my head.

"Bite onto it when the pain comes," Sarafina instructed me. She licked my forehead as I was now sweating. Sarabi was at my other side.

I never knew that it would hurt this much. My body felt like it was being torn in two. I've never experienced such pain. My screams echoed off of the cave walls and I was sure that I'd woken the entire Pride by now. Kula joined Tama to stand guard and it was just me, Sarafina, and Sarabi.

"You're doing wonderfully, darling," Sarabi murmured.

"Ah!" I screeched and bit down onto the stick. It splintered between my jaws. Sarafina laid close to me, whispering encouragement.

"The cub will be here soon," Sarabi said calmly. "When I tell you to, you need to push Nala."

Ripples of pain moved across my abdomen and I felt like I was being set on fire. My blood was burning and my screams made my throat feel raw. There were less pauses between the contractions which Sarabi explained was a good indicator.

"I can see its head!" Sarabi exclaimed. "Alright, Nala, it's time to push."

I did as Sarabi ordered and Sarafina moved closer to me. The pain was unbearable and I almost blacked out. For a moment, my hearing failed me and I felt deaf to the world. Sarafina shook me and I snapped out of it.

"Nala, it's a girl!" Sarafina announced excitedly. "You have a daughter!" She lifted the tiny cub by its scruff and placed if between my paws.

My jaw dropped at the sight of her. She was so...beautiful. Her color was dark cream, almost gold and she had little tufts of fur on her chin and ears. Across her muzzle she had a few freckles. I didn't realize that I was crying.

She would never be truly mine. As if on cue, Zira and Scar appeared at the cave mouth. A growl rumbled from my throat. I would die before I let them take away my cub. Sarafina and Sarabi stood between me in Scar and Zira. Tama and Kula came to stand with them.

Scar sneered and shoved past them. I bared my fangs and pinned my ears, a warning growl rumbling from deep in my chest. He ignored my warning and stepped closer to examine the little cub. For a moment, I thought that I glimpsed admiration in his snake eyes. But it was gone before I could be certain.

"A girl? My, she's beautiful!" Scar nodded to Zira and the lithe lioness slunk forward to reach for the cub.

"No!" I snarled, lashing at them if they came too close.

"Nala..." Sarafina whispered to me. "Scar will kill you. Give him the cub. I'll look out for her, I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep!" I shot back at her.

"Let's be rational, Nala," Zira hissed, narrowing her eyes. "You're about to be exiled. You don't want that life for her, do you?"

Pain flashed in my eyes. In my heart, I knew she was right. I couldn't guarantee her safety out there. "Please, Scar..." I begged. "Don't make me leave!"

"The punishment fits the crime, Nala." Scar growled. "Our daughter will be safe in Zira's care."

Before I could react, Zira snatched the cub from my grasp. "No!" I wailed and Sarafina had to hold me back. My heart was breaking all over again.

The question was, how much heartbreak could I face before I broke?

The Lion King Chronicles: Nala's Tears {Editing}Where stories live. Discover now