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Just here to say a quick thankyou to everyone who's viewed my book so far, even though it's just the beginning! 

I've also recently discovered an amazing human being by the name of @apparentlyno! She is a dedicated supporter and has a detailed, dramatic book on a little sister and her brothers. Be sure to check her out and support her with your love!

Make sure to let me know if you want more updates! And vote if you like it even just a little :P


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It was now later in the afternoon. Zoe and Bella had finished baking biscuits with their mother and were now slurping all the leftover batter from the bowl. It was a gruesome taste to anyone but the twins, who loved cookie batter more than the cookies themselves.

The twins were sitting on the kitchen bench, taking turns to scoop their little hands into the mixing bowl. They had managed to make the mess a five-year-old would make, getting it on the bench, in their hair, covering their mouths, drenching their hands. It was so bizarre that when Pete walked into the room to help with dinner, he burst into fits of laughter.

"Oh my," he croaked. He was breathless from all his bubbling laughter. "You girls look like disasters."

They simultaneously poked their tongues out at him as a way for them to say 'I don't give a shit' without getting in trouble. The twins knew too many profanities for their parents to think it was a coincidence. Four years ago, when Luca was only 14, he became so rebellious against his parents that he taught his 7-year-old sisters every swearing sound and gesture. It didn't end well.

Pete swiped the cloth from the sink and began wiping Bella's face. She didn't want to be treated like a child anymore, so she snatched the cloth and did it herself. Which of cause meant that Zoe had to do it to. Zoe was always trying to live up to her sister, but was never as successful as she desired to be.

Just as Zoe had finished rubbing the rest of the batter off, the home phone on the counter rang. Everyone in the Taylor family knew how important Zoe felt whenever she answered the phone, so it was an unspoken agreement that Zoe would pick it up.

She bounced off the counter on her short legs – they made her half a head shorter than her twin – and bounded for the phone on the other side of the kitchen. Bella groaned.

"Hello, this is Zoe Taylor speaking!" Zoe chirped into the phone when she picked it up.

Zoe frowned at the reply, then Pete frowned at her. "Hello, Zoe. I'm calling from Martyr Hospital. Are your parents there?"

Zoe didn't know why the strange man was calling from the hospital. Maybe he was going to say her dad was coming home, although they'd never done that before.

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